Israir Magazine - Spring 2024

Contents 98 Greetings

11 Gush Etzion St., Givat Shmuel 5403011, Israel Tel: 5251646-3-972 Fax: 5251605-3-972 | Israir Airlines & Tourism Ltd. Derech Yitzhak Rabin 33 Giv ׳ atayim 5348303, Israel

95 Discover the magic of the city of vacations - Eilat

Evia, Greece Brown Beach Evia Island Resort

91 Accessibility on Israir planes

90 Service on International Flights

Publisher & Editor-in Chief: Eyal Shmueli Deputy Editor / Content: Yarden Cahol Managing Director: Tal Shmueli Graphic Design: Magat Marketing Manager: Sigal Shmueli Sales: Ilana Marom

Israel Travel News Ltd.

85 Israir Destinations

Spring 2024

The management and editors are not responsible for the contents of any advertisements appearing in this publication.

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