RI Annual Report 2023

ESG highlights


A few investor statements signed in 2023

Letter to the UK Prime Minister from the CEOs of IIGCC, PRI and UKSIF CEOs of IIGCC, Principles for Responsible Investment, and UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association, sent a letter to UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, following his announce- ment that the British government would water down key net zero policies. The letter signals deep concern with the recent proposals to ‘backtrack on vital policy measures that support the UK’s transition to net zero’. The letter was supported by 32 investors and financial institutions.

Global Financial Institutions Statement to Governments on Deep Seabed Mining

This letter, signed by 36 signatories of the Finance for Biodi- versity Pledge representing over EUR 3.3 trillion of combined assets, urges governments to halt negotiations underway at the International Seabed Authority that could lead to a poten- tial start of deep seabed mining (DSM) in international waters. Comment letter to the United States Environmental Protection Authority The letter supported the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) updated methane regulation for the oil and gas indus- try, the largest source of industrial methane emissions in the United States. The letter called for expanded leak monitoring, a phase out of polluting pneumatic devices, and additional restrictions on routine flaring. The final, strengthened regula- tion was published in December 2023.

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