RI Annual Report 2023



Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) PRI is an investor initiative to incorporate ESG in investment pro- cesses. We were an early adopter of RI and signed up to the PRI as early as 2007. Swedish Investors for Sustainable Development Partnership Comprising 20 of the largest financial firms in the Swedish market and the Sweden's government agency for development coopera- tion (Sida). It was formed in 2016 and works to explore the role of investors, risks and opportunities related to the 2030 Agenda. NAM joined in 2020. Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures We are an official supporter of TCFD. The recommendations provide a foundation for climate-related financial disclosures for all com- panies, aimed at encouraging companies to report on the climate- related risks and opportunities that are most relevant to their busi- ness activities. Transition Pathway Initiative We are a supporter of the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI), which is a global, asset-owner led initiative assessing companies' pre- paredness for the transition to a low carbon economy. NAM joined in 2020.

UN Environmental Programme Finance Initiative (UNEPFI) We signed on to the UNEP FI in 1994. It is a partnership between UNEP and the global financial sector to mobilise private sector finance for sustainable development. Nordea Group became a member of the UNEP FI Banking Committee in 2018, and since August 2020 it holds the Scandinavian seat on the UNEP FI Banking Board which oversees the effective implementation of the principles for Responsible Banking. In 2021, Nordea Group’s CEO Frank Vang- Jensen was invited to join the UNEP FI Leadership Council. UN Global Compact Initiated by the UN to encourage businesses to align their strategies and operations with ten universal principles building on UN conven- tions in the fields of human rights, labour standards, environment, and anticorruption. We became a signatory to the UN Global Com- pact in 2002, first through Nordea Bank Finland. From December 2004 the coverage was extended to the whole Group. World Benchmarking Alliance (WBA) Since 2017, we have been part of WBA. Members work together at global, regional, and local levels to shape the private sector’s contri- butions to achieving the SDGs.

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