Developing Nature Based Solutions in Wales

Developing Nature-Based Solutions in Wales

A Vision for the Development of Nature-Based Solutions in Wales

• Public Sector Net Zero action supports NBS. • 30 by 30 target is met. • There is sufficient workforce capacity to develop NBS. • Future decisoin making is evidence based with appropriate interpretation and evalution of that evidence. • Wider access to research findings.

• Sustainable Farming Scheme supports NBS with 100% take up. • NBS are part of wider 'offsetting' schemes. • Clear policy direction on NBS. • Long term funding supports NBS. • There is a cross party agreement in Senedd on the way forward for nature.

• Rights for nature are established. • Move from the idea of land ownership to land guardianship. • Greater public awareness of NBS and nature is embedded in the national curriculum. • We redefine success in developing nature based solutions.

• Government support for local/community approaches to NBS. • Develop information and education on NBS (including links to climate adaptation) for the policy makers, politicians and the public.


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