AAT Wound Care_Dermacyte Matrix for Advanced Wound Care

For information related to Dermacyte insurance benefit verifications, assistance or claims appeal assistance, please contact our

Reimbursement Support Line. Phone: (919) 921-8105 Ext 119 Fax: (919) 267-3753 Email: info@merakris.com

Merakris Therapeutics Inc 800 Park Offices Drive, Suite 3322 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 919.921.8105 www.merakris.com FDA Establishment Identifier (FEI): 3013695841

References: 1. Niknejad H et al. Properties of the amniotic membrane for potential use in tissue engineering. Eur Cell Mater. 2008 Apr 29;15:88-99. 2. Haugh A et al. Amnion membrane in diabetic foot wounds: a meta-analysis. Plastic and Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2017 Apr; 5:e1302. 3. Guo et al. Modulation of cell attachment, proliferation, and angiogenesis by decellularized, dehydrated human amniotic membrane in in vitro models. Wounds. 2017 Jan;29(1):28-38. Dermacyte® is regulated by the U.S. FDA under 21 CFR Part 1271 and Section 361 of the Public Health Service Act. Dermacyte® is a registered trademark of Merakris Therapeutics Inc. Copyright © 2021 Merakris Therapeutics.


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