In time critical decision-making processes
u This approach of integrating situation awareness, workload, signal processing theory, decision theory, etc. tends to subtly change the questions that are asked during the analysis process from quantifying and qualifying the SA to measures of the probabilistic aspects of a decision, such as the number of interrelationships, the certainty and time-lag of the information arriving, risk to desired outcome or effect, etc., together with the processing aspects, to do with the number of signals, accuracy and completeness of the information and importance to the operational context.
While the SA construct has been widely researched, the multivariate nature of SA poses a considerable challenge to its quantification andmeasurement (for a detailed discussion on SAmeasurement, see Endsley &Garland, 2000; Fracker, 1991a; 1991b).
In general, techniques vary in terms of direct measurement of SA (e.g., objective real-time probes or subjective questionnaires assessing perceived SA) or methods that infer SA based on operator behavior or performance.
Direct measures are typically considered to be "product-oriented" in that these techniques assess an SA outcome; inferredmeasures are considered to be "process-oriented," focusing on the underlying processes or mechanisms required to achieve SA (Graham&Matthews, 2000).
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