Process indices
u Process indices examine how individuals process information in their environment, such as by analyzing communication patterns between teammembers or using eye tracking devices. Team communication (particularly verbal communication) supports the knowledge building and information processing that leads to SA construction (Endsley & Jones, 1997). u Psycho-physiological measures also serve as process indices of operator SA by providing an assessment of the relationship between human performance and a corrected change in the operator's physiology (e.g., French, Clark, Pomeroy, Seymour, & Clarke, 2007). In other words, cognitive activity is associated with changes in the operator's physiological states.
Multi-faceted approach to measurement
u The multivariate nature of SA significantly complicates its quantification and
measurement, as it is conceivable that a metric may only tap into one aspect of the operator's SA. Such a multi-faced approach to SA measurement capitalizes on the strengths of each measure while minimizing the limitations inherent in each.
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