u Crowdsourcing, made possible by the rise of social media and ubiquitous mobile access has a potential for considerably enhancing situation awareness of both, responsible authorities and citizens themselves for emergency and crisis situations by employing or using "citizens as sensors". For instance, analysis of content posted on online social media like Facebook and Twitter using data mining, machine learning and natural language processing techniques may provide situational information. u A crowdsourcing approach to sensing, particularly in crisis situations, has been referred to as 'crowdsensing'. Crowdmapping is a subtype of crowdsourcing by which aggregation of crowd-generated inputs such as captured communications and social media feeds are combined with geographic to create a digital map that is as up-to-date as possible [ that can improve situational awareness during an incident and be used to support incident response.
Methods of gaining situational awareness
u 1. Not Monitoring the Baseline. If you are not monitoring the baseline, you will not recognize the presence of predators that cause a disturbance u 2. Normalcy Bias. Even though we may sense a concentric ring that could be alerting us of danger, many times we will ignore the alert due to the desire for it NOT to be a danger. u 3. The third interrupter of awareness is what we define as a Focus Lock. This is some form of distraction that is so engaging, that it focuses all of our awareness on one thing and by default, blocks all the other stimulus in our environment..
Three Obstacles in Situational Awareness
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