Q. Porterville, Calif. "/ have agroup of friends who believe that man was not born in sin. What Scrip tures can I possibly use to refute their teachings?" A. You can use Romans 5:12ff for example. Man has a sinful nature and because of that fact he com mits sins. All types of iniquity in thought and deed are the out growth of his sinful nature (I Corin thians 15:21, 22). All die eventually because all are sinners in Adam who is the federal head of the human race. Evidence is ample that "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9). "Heart" refers to man's whole be ing here. David knew this as he wrote under the Holy Spirit's lead ing, "Behold, I was shapen in iniq uity" (Psal m51:5). From the time of conception we are sinners. There is no other way to look at it — mankind is totally depraved! He cannot help but manifest this in outward acts of sin. Q. San Francisco, Calif. "Some where I have heard that they are rebuilding the ancient city of Baby lon and the hanging gardens. Is this information correct?" A. As far as we know, it is not. Someone may have plans in this direction about which we are not aware. There are a number of Bible teachers who would have us be lieve that the ancient city of Baby lon, based on such portions as Jer emiah 51, will be rebuilt, although they do not believe it would have to include the hanging gardens. Q. Garden Grove, Calif. "Why is the tribe of Dan omitted in Revel-
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