Biola Broadcaster - 1972-12

ation 7:6 and Manasseh mentioned instead?" A. We are not given specific rea­ son for this. No Scripture definitely states why. Interestingly, in Revel­ ation 7:7, Levi is included so that the list comes to 12 although he did not have an inheritance in Is­ rael. The Lord was the inheritance of Levi. They lived from the offer­ ings that people brought to the temple. One reason for Dan's omittance could possibly be Gen­ esis 49:17. Jacob's prophecy states that "Dan shall be a serpent by the way.' ' What a picture of this crea­ ture who somehow impedes prog­ ress and causes a terrific upset. Apparently it was so vivid in the heart of Jacob that he prayed im­ mediately, "I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord." Perhaps the ac­ tions of Dan are related to opposi­ tion of God's saving grace. Judges 8 also relates that the tribe of Dan was the first of all to go into idol­ atry. We should observe also that in Ezekiel 47 and 48 the tribes of Judah and Dan are both included in the distribution of land. Q. Walla Walla, Wash. "Could you please explain Psalm 51:11 and John 7:39?" A. Both of these passages refer to the Holy Spirit. In the Psalm David is confessing his sin before the Lord. He asks that the Holy Spirit not be taken from him .The pas­ sage in John deals with the fact that the Holy Spirit had not yet been given as we know Him today. The reason is that Jesus was not yet glorified following His cruci­ fixion. These verses should be con­ sidered from a dispensational point of view. In Old Testament times


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