The following questions were answered by a special November Panel with Norman Wright, Assistant Professor of Christian Education, Talbot Seminary and Vern Lewis, Associate Professor of Psychology at Biola.
Frequently, the problem can be a lack of forgiveness, even bitterĀ ness, in the life. At the root of it all is a basic aspect of selfishness. Thinking only of that which will satisfy the individual rather than being concerned about others is dangerous. It is difficult to give categorical
Q. Anaheim, Calif. "After nine years of marriage, there is no love left in our home. Is it better for the children if we try to keep going or if we part?" A. Frequently people will comĀ ment, "I just do not love my mate anymore." It may be that they feel an emotional feeling is lacking.
Dr. Vern Lewis in a psychology course lecture at Biola.
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