careful what your hands do and what your ears listen to. Set awatch over your mouth that you will say nothing displeasing to God. Re member, you have been born again. And if you are not saved, you ought to open the door of your heart and let Christ come in. He wants to have His way in your heart. Let Jesus guide until all the hardships of life are over and you are landed safely on Canaan's fair shore. Make sure all you do pleases the Lord and God will bless you for it. A RESTORED DISCIPLE We have learned from the life of Simon Peter that disobedience leads to downfall. When he was down and out, following his denial of the Lord, did Jesus care about the problem? Oh yes, He knew, just as He is concerned about our spiritual need today. If you are away from God today I want you to know that the Saviour cares for you. No amount of sin, failure, backsliding or cold-heartedness will hold back the tidal waves of God's infinite love to meet your need moment by moment. Let us consider Peter's restora tion. Jesus had already told him, "I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen the breth ren" (Luke 22:31, 32). We need to realize as believers that it is Satan's desire to have us fail. As with Pet er, he wants to sift us as wheat. He will do all in his power to detract us from the truth. The Saviour to day is in the Father's presence where He is interceding on our behalf (I John 2:1, 2). The passage referred to in Luke was a promise by the Lord to Peter before he ever needed it. You see, the Lord
council of the ungodly, nor stand- eth in the way of sinners, nor sit- teth in the seat of the scornful." In the midst of the enemies of Christ is a poor place for a weak saint to be. Next we note that he was sit ting. It was bad enough to be amongst these people much less to be so ensconsed. He had no intentions to leave this place. He was in a very compromising posi tion. He was in the palace and then he moved out on the porch. Let me suggest to you who might be considering a move from one area to another. Make sure you take your new residence near a good, evangelical church. Peter got farther away from his Master. Peter was trying to warm himself by the enemy's fire (John 18:18). His face got heated there but there was no warmth in his heart. Then Peter denied his Lord by what he said. What an unexpected admission to say, "I know not the man." Earlier his testimony had been, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living Cod." Be careful lest you do exactly the same thing. It may not be with so many words, but perhaps by your actions. Peter denied the Lord by what he said. Will you be careful about your tongue? Imagine cursing oaths pro ceeding out of Peter's mouth! His voice was disgraceful. No one ex pected it. Someone has well re minded us, "Think twice before you speak once." See Peter flare up and display his ungodly temper. We need to ask for grace to over come our potentially explosive at titudes. Peter was basically a good man in a bad place. We, too, must be careful where our feet lead us. Be Page 28
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