"Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you Cod?" The man thought for a moment and then responded, "Well, sir, in that case I guess I have nothing to say." No, these false teachers have cor rupted themselves along with all of those who have followed them. They each will have to give an account of themselves before the Lord. When a person believes that he is going to die like the beasts then he soon begins to live like the beasts. It is a tragic evaluation and commentary on our times. Look at the warning given in verse 11, "Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core." First of all, what is "the way of Cain?" Very simply stated we ask the correlary, "What is the way of Abel?" The way of Abel was the way of faith. The way of Cain, in contradiction, was the way of un belief. Cain was filled with pride and represents all those false re ligions in which works are upper most in the minds of the adher ents. Paul describes them rightly as, "Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof." They have gone in the way of Cain. What seems the proper di rection to follow? Why, the golden rule, good works—most everybody believes this way. In the book of Proverbs, however, we are warned, "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death" (6:25). Abel's position was to come into the presence of the Almighty and in essence say, "Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to Thy cross I Page 42
cling." The second illustration in verse 11 concerns the error of Balaam. This man was a prophet who wanted gold rather than Cod. The King of Moab tried to get him to curse Israel. Balaam had enough sense to ask Cod if this would meet with His approval. God re sponded by telling him not to par ticipate (Numbers 22:12). Then he had an idea. Suppose he could trip up the Children of Israel in some other way? Maybe he could tempt them with appealing flesh in a carnal way. He counseled the women of Midian and Moab to see if they would be able to draw the men aside so that they would for sake their God. In this wickedly ingenious manner, while he would not have cursed the people of Is rael, he would still have defeated them and be made rich thereby. The Bible tells us there are those who run greedily after the error of Balaam, reasoning from natural morality, supposing that a right eous Cod would have to do what ever He is told. The third category are those who perished in the gainsaying of Korah. Here was one who openly and blatantly denied the authority of Moses as God's chosen spokes man. Korah tried to intrude on the priest's high and holy office. The very name means "against the word." We see again the definite downward trend taking place. Cain ignored, Balaam opposed, but Kor ah openly rebelled. The account of this is recorded in Exodus 6:18-21. Korah was a Levite. As such he was charged with the outward taber nacle service. Physically speaking, he was a cousin to Moses. In pride, he seemed to feel that he had the
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