T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April; 1941
Guadalupe Victoria No. 3, Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Cyril and Mrs. Faulkner (Frances H. Gray, ’32), China Inland Mission, Kan- hsien, Kiangsi, China, are responsible for work In a large area surrounding Kanhsien. In the fall, they had the op portunity to speak in four days of con centrated meetings among wounded soldiers, among many of whom there was an eager response, with a- desire for portions of the Word of God. John .(’33) and Mrs., Bewley (Ruth Caswell, ’35), serving in the Central American Mission, Jinotega, Nicaragua, C. A., have been emphasizing a child evangelism program in which specially trained Nicaraguan Christians go out for visitation and classes. There is also a testimony to adults as opportunity is given. Mr. and Mrs. Bewley have a little daughter, Mary Lee. Married H. Norman Korb, ’34, and Florence Jonash, Nov. 23, 1940, Boston, Mass. Mr. Korb is Director of Boys’ Work in the Ruggles Street Baptist Church, Boston. Born To H. Leland (’28) and Mrs. Green (Margaret Mercereau), a son, Gary Marland, Jan. 3, Los Angeles, Calif. To Elwood and Mrs. Foy (Mary Frances Hixon, ’34), a son, James El wood, Mar. 6 , Escondido, Calif. To Dick (’32) and Mrs. Hillis (Mar garet Humphrey, ’32), a daughter, Mar garet Anne, Nov. 16, 1940, Shenkiu, Honan, China. To Ferd L. (’35) and Mrs. Johansen, a son, tDouglas William, Sept. 6 , 1940, Tangshan, Ku., China. Mail addressed to Mr. and Mrs* Johansen is to bear the words "Via Lunghai Railway” in addition to the above address. To Newton A. and Mrs. Kapp (Doris B. Blackwell, ’31), a son, Norman An drew, Oct. 27, 1940, Kano, Nigeria, W. Africa. To Wilber B. and Mrs. Wallis (Marie Coulombe), a son, Wilber Benson, Jr., Feb. 23, Wilmington, Del. To A. C. and Mrs. Preedy (Roberta Tewksbury, ’31), a daughter, Carol Edith, Dec. 21, 1940, Chefoo, N. China. With the Lord On January 26, Marion Goulding, the six-months-old daughter of W. Stace (’27) and Mrs. Goulding (May L. Sad ler, ’28) was taken to be with Christ. They write, “ Our first funeral in the mission was for our own dear baby . . . Many souls have been saved in our, Spanish meetings since then, beginning with that same day.” Mr. and Mrs. Goulding live at 8044 Eighth St., Colon, Panama, but their mail address is Box 2225, Cristobal, Canal Zone. [Continued on Page 152]
Bible Institute FAMILY CIRCLE “ Holding Forth the Word o f Life” J. Keith (’32) and Mrs. Altig (’33) and their children have been living at Winona Lake, Ind., where Mr. >Altig has been attending the Grace Theolog ical Seminary, of which Alva J. Mc Clain, formerly of the faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is Dean. Mr. Altig is pastor of the Inbody Union Church, about twenty-five miles from the seminary.
were in charge of a three-day Fellow ship Rally at Hayward, open to all young people of the Bay Region desir ing fundamental teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are praying about the need for a work for fundamental young peo ple in this entire region. In addition to Mr. Allen, former Biola students scheduled on the three-day program included J. C. Derfelt, ’26; John W. Falconer, ’24; Frank Fung, and Wes ley Nelson, ’35. Before his. marriage, Mr. Allen, who is a pianist, composer of gospel choruses, and young people’s worker, served for several, years in evangelistic meetings with Cutler B. (’25) and Mrs. Whitwell (’26). During those years many contacts were made with young people, and Mr. Allen has made a definite effort to follow up and give spiritual encouragement to young converts and others. He Writes con cerning this phase of the work he and Mrs. Allen are doing: “We corres pond with an average of 1,500 young folks all over the United States and try to help them in any way we can via the mail, My Wife was formerly a secretary, so the Lord has fitted her for that type of work.” Charles E. (’36) and Mrs. Brickwe- del (Bethel Breedlove) have moved from Oregon to Deary, Idaho, where Mr. Brickwedel is serving as pastor of 1 two United Brethren churches. Five outlying communities in this region have no. organized witness of any kind. Mr. and Mrs. •Brickwedel desire to communicate with any Biola alumni in Idaho or eastern Oregon who would be interested in gathering for Biola fel lowship reunions. Grace Hunt, ’38, Fredonia, Ariz., has been serving since April of 1940 in chil dren’s work in Fredonia, a Mormon com munity just south of Utah. Olivette R. Swallen stopped at Biola en route from Korea to Florida with her parents. Her address is 505 Eleventh Ave., N. E., St. Petersburg, Florida. Louis Aery, ’40, is finding opportu-' nities to witness for Christ both in the Army camp in which he is stationed and outside the camp. He recently preached in a Presbyterian church in Stockton, Calif. His address is Private Louis W. Aery, Jj., 68 th 'Air Base Gp. Spcl., Stockton, Calif. In Other Fields Marjorie E. Davis, B. Chr. E d.. ’39, and Nadine Douglass, B. Chr. Ed. ’39, are living in the village of Nabenchauc in the mountains of the southernmost state of Mexico, Where they are study ing the Tsotsil Indian language with a view to doing Bible translation work under the auspices of the Pioneer Mis sion Agency. Their mail address is
E. Walter Peters, ’23, has been living at 1021 Wellington Ave., Windsor, Ont., since his return from Thessalonica, Greece. Hé writes that the work in Greece has been left in the care of native workers, who earnestly request the prayers of the Lord’s people. H. A. and Mrs. Farrar (Mabel M. Phipps, ’32), Route-1, Franksville, Wis., have been serving since last August in the Raymond Baptist Church, Franks- yille, Wis., where Mr. Farrar is pastor. He was ordained to the gospel ministry in July of 1940 in the Berean Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Mich. While he was completing his course of 'study for the ministry, he had charge of the music and radio work of the Mel Trot ter Mission in. Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Farrar have two daughters, Yvonne, age three and a half, and Lor raine, one year old. Gwendoiyne J. Colling is secretary to J. Whitcomb Brougher, Jr., pastor of the First Baptist Church, Glendale, Calif. Don M, and Mrs. Allen, 26645 Monte Vista Ave,, Hayward, Calif., have been serving as sponsors of the. young peo-' pie’s work in the First Baptist Church of Hayward, Calif. In December they CATCHY SURPRISE GOSPElT~ OBJECT tESSONS For Vacation Bible Schools or Children’s meetings. Complete with objects. Noth ing to'build, beg or borrow. 200 Titles . . . Free. Sample Arnold Carl Westplial, Michigan City, Indiana KODACHROME SLIDE SETS for Passion W eek 8 Stirring Evangelistic Messages Including, “ Wilt Thou Betray Me?” , “ What Shall 1 Do With Jesus?” , “ The Place of the Skull,” and others. We have selected and arranged 8 short sets of 12 to 15 slides each, including Text and Subtitle slides, illustrating our Passion Week Sermon Series. Each set of 2x2” Slides with Manual......$5.50 The Passion Week Sermon Series is also available, on 33mm. Bond Filmslide rolls in complete sets of 25 to 35 frames each, -black ,and white. Edited by Rev. George Lewis. Each film with Manual..$2.00 S.F.; $2.50 D.JL Projectors—Candid Cameras—-Filmslides—- Glass Slides. BOND SLIDE COMPANY, Inc. Dept. K 68 W. Washington St., Chicago
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