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T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
\A.priI, 1941
true guide of the home is to be found in the words of this true and living God. These words are to be upon the heart, influencing and guiding every pur pose and desire. They are to be taught to the children in the home, made the subject of conversation, borne in mind when one is walking, meditated upon when one is retiring, and remembered when one is arising to face a new day. Thus each day is to find the words of God guiding the head of the home, gov erning the children in the home, and controlling all actions when one ip away» from home. It seems a pity that the following two verses are not included in this les son, because in them we are taught that the words of God are to have a bearing upon all living and conduct. They are to influence industry—they are bound upon the hand. They are to influence intellect—they are set as frontlets be tween the eyes. They are to affect domestic life—they are inscribed upon the posts of the house. They are to gov ern social life—they appear upon the gates. Hence the true home is one wherein the Bible has supreme place for all the members. — • h i . T he I nfluence of the H ome (J er . 35:5-10) As an object lesson to disobedient Judah, the prophet Jeremiah set pots' full of wine before the Rechabites and invited them to drink. This action on the prophet’s part astonished the princes and leaders of Judah as much as it did the Rechabites. But Jeremiah was giv ing to Judah a ‘ much-needed lesson in obedience. The Rechabites refused to drink the wine. They had no discussion about it; they simply refused. And their refusal was because of obedience to their fa ther’s ' prohibition. They might havfe argued with themselves that refusing the proffered gift would give offense to the one who offered the wine. But to every argument that might be presented for their taking the wine, they fell back upon the known command pf their father, a command which they had agreed to honor. The father had had a right to make such a command, and as long as they remained in the clan, they wotild obey it. The obedience of the Rechabites to their parental rules put Judah to shame. Judah, having a far more authoritative command than that Of a father, had not obeyed the commands of God. .If an earthly parent should be respected, how much more the heavenly Father! We must be careful that we do not pervert the Scripture by applying this passage merely to the use of strong drink; there were other restrictions which were equally binding upon the Rechabites.
Stephen. He did not remain a failure, because he met Christ on the Damascus road, and his whole life was changed. This pair of scissors will help us to understand what happened to Paul. [Cut the top bar off, horizontally, where it joins the upright. Unfold it, and you have a black capital "1.” ] Paul was a failure because he was a sinner. Here we have a big black “I” reminding us of his sin. When a person is aware of sin, God wants him to know about Christ and His power to save. [Open the remaining part of the “F,” and it will be a cross.] When sinful self comes to the cross, Christ receives and , cleanses from sin. It is wonderful to know that all our sins were on His cross. [Put the black "I” on the cross.] We will now reverse the “I,” showing how sin looks in the sight of God after Christ has been received as Saviour. Because of »the cross of Christ, Paul was no longer a failure, but could say, "I am crucified with Christ” (Gal. 2:20). and the peculiarity was found in the nature and character of her God. This God is ONE God, unlike the many gods of other peoples, and this unity is set forth in a special manner by the use of a plural word in singular being, in dicating the three Persons in the God head. Furthermore, this God is true, not false, and hence unlike the gods of other peoples—gods who are bribed to act unjustly or with partiality. Moreover, this God is living, therefore unlike all the gods made by men. Because God is what He is, of neces sity tliere are certain requirements de manded of those who would worship Him. These* requirements are all summed up in one word: love (v. 5). In cidentally, the very fact that love is re quired indicates that God is a Person, not an impersonal idea. 1 H. T h e , G uide of the H ome (D eut . 6:6, 7) “And these words, which I command thee this day,” indicates that the only BLACKBOARD LESSON 'Tßflin UPA CHILD inTHE IDA 4 HESHOULDGO: ACIDUJHtnHE ISOLD,HEU)ILLOOTOEPflRTEEOfnIT inTwine hmrt ^E ! Q E UJORDS - SHALL BE TtACHTjinn - UftTO T«y ¿MILDRED—
a red cross when separated from the top bar. Fasten with thumb tacks to a wall or blackboard.) LESSON: What do you think this large “F” stands for? “It is black, and black reminds us of sin.” Does sin make one a success or a failure ? “Failure.” Yes, we will let this “F” remind us of failure. When we first heard of Paul# he was a failure and a fighter. He per secuted the Christians, putting some in prison and agreeing to the death of Pent. 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord oar God Is one Lord: 6 And thou shalt lore the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and With all thy soul, and with all thy might. 6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall he in thine heart: 7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thon sittest In thine house, and when thon walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou rlsest up. Jer. 35:5 And I set before the sons of the house of- the Rechabites pots full of Wine, and cups; and I said unto them, Drink ye wine. 6 But they said, We will drink no wine: for Jonadab the son of Rechab our father commanded us, saying,' Ye shall drink no wine, neither ye, nor your sons for 6ver: 7 Neither shall ye build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, nor have "any: but all your days ye shall dwell in tents; that ye may live many days in the land where ye be strangers. 8 Thus have we obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab our father in all that he hath charged us, to drink no wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons, nor our daughters: 9 Nor to build houses for us to dwell in; neither have we vineyard, nor field, nor seed: 10 But we have dwelt In tents, and.have obeyed, and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us. GOLDEN TEXT: “ Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22 : 6 ). DEVOTIONAL READING: Psa. 78:1-7. Outline and Exposition ¡§ T he G od of the H ome . (D eut . 6:4, 5) HIS great declaration concerning the person of God underlies all the revelations given to Israel. That nation was to be a peculiar people among the other nations of the earth,
MAY 11, 1941 ' • , THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOME REGARDING BEVERAGE ALCOHOL D euteronomy 6:4-7; J eremiah 35:5-10
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