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April, 1 0 «
TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Christian doctrine. We do well to keep that order, and not reverse'it. 4. “These words . . . shall be in thine heart . . . thou shalt teach them . . . and shalt talk of them” /(vs. 6 , 7). What a sermon here! Each of these three commands is important, and so also is the order here stated/ The Word must be in our hearts before we can teach it .with power to others/ And if the teach ing of the Word is important, so also is the talking about it. How often do we hear men teach the Word with great erudition and skill/ in the pulpit, but when they step down from the sacred desk and go about among their people the same men never or seldom “talk” about the Word. Often the quiet, casual, and entirely unplanned talks about the Word accomplish more than all our formal preaching; Henry Grady, the great orator of Georgia, slipped away quietly from New York for a long week-end at the home of his mother in the country, and when he crossed the threshold he said, “Your son has been losing his old ideals, and he has come back to stay, not as a big man, but as a boy. Now, treat him as a boy.” And his mother came to see the ne cessity and treated him as a boy again. She gave him the food he always loved as a boy, and sat beside him while he ate it. When the time came for this matchless orator to go to bed, he would get down on his knees, his mother be side him,' and would say the prayer of his youth, "Now I lay me down to sleep.” When she put him to bed she would bend over him, and with that peculiar touch of a mother’s hand, he would drop to sleep. When he came back to Atlanta on his way to New York he came with his face shining. He had had his vision.—Adapted from a story by J. Wilbur Chapman in The Bottles of Heaven, by Revilo. Because They Had Promised J eremiah 35:1-19 MEMORY VERSE: “We will drink no wine” (Jer. 35:6). APPROACH: When people are look ing for a house in which to live, no matter how different their ideas may be, there is one thing they will all want: They will demand a clean house. God’s home here on earth is the body of each believer. “ W h a t ! know ye not that your body -is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in 5 -division y°u9) . ?” (1 Cor. God insists Golden Text Illustration P roverbs 22 :6
Points and Problems 1 . “The LORD our God” (Deut. 6:4). It should be noticed that the word “LORD,” being in capitals, stands for the Hebrew word “Jehovah.” Thus in the religion of Israel the true God is named definitely. Today it is the habit of men to do just the reverse. On every hand, we are told, the intellectual lead ers are returning to a positive belief in “God.” And to the superficial that sounds well. But if you ask what “God” they are returning to, you .will be told that such questions are indications of a narrow mind. They will tell you that the name does not matter, whether you call Him Allah, Buddah, the Grand Archi tect of the Universe, the Great Spirit, the Social Consciousness of Humanity, or what have you. But if you are a true believer, you know that it does matter tremendously. And when men talk glibly about God, you will keep on asking, “What Gad?” If it be said that there is only one God, we shall answer that we know this, but, as Paul wrote, there are also those that “are called gods . . . gods many, and lords many’ ( i Cor. 8:5). And furthermore, we shall insist that the name of the one and only true God is Jehovah; that He became incar nate in the Person of the Lord Jesus; and that apart from Jesus there is no true God. 2. “The LORD our God is one LORD” (v. 4). This is the central affirmation of the faith of Israel. It not only ex cludes all other gods, but it also defines the nature of the true God. He is one God, not several gods. And this is also the basic affirmation of Christianity (Matt. 22:37; Mk. 12:29; Lk. 10:27). Men forget this sometimes. The New Testament doctrine of the Trinity is based squarely on the Old Testament doctrine of the Unity of God. We recog nize and honor three distinct and divine Persons, but we worship one God. If in our enthusiasm for the doctrine of the Trinity we forget or neglect the unity of God, we slip unwittingly into trithe ism or the worship of three Gods, which is a serious error. The path of truth here is narrow. 3. “Thou shalt love the LQRD thy God with all. thine'heart . . . soul . . . might” (v. 5). The main word to be emphasized here is “all.” This God of ours has a complete claim to all that we have and are. Nothing is to be held back from Him. This Is nothing new. Even the modernists preach it. But they forget sometimes that this great prac tical duty of the human soul rests upon a great theological dogma. God is One. And since there is but one God, there can he no rational basis for a divided allegiance. If there were many gods, as the pagans held, it would be irrational and impossible for any one of them to demand all of man’s love. In the Bible, Christian duty is always based on
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