King's Business - 1941-04

« m n a n u n n A \April, 1941 that His house be clean. Not all bodies are vstrong and beautiful, but all can be clean. Evil habits soil the body. LESSON STORY: One of the evil habits'-about which God has something to say is the drink habit. One time He had Jeremiah send for a group of peo­ ple, called the Rechabites, and bring them into the house of the Lord and offer them strong drink. This He did, not because He wanted the Rechabites to drink, but because He wanted to teach His own people, Israel, a lesson. You see the Rechabites, although they did not belong to Israel, worshiped the .true God, and He knew He could count on them to do the right thing. When the wine was offered to them they said, “We will drink no wine; for Jonadab the son of Rechab our father, commanded us, saying, Ye shall -drink no wine, neither ye, nor your sons for ever.” The Israelites were put to shame by the example of the Rechabites, and God promised punishment to Israel for their sins, but blessing to the Rechabites for . their faithfulness. For by that one act they had done three things that pleased God: They had refused liquor, they had kept a promise, and they had been obedient to their father. God wants us to please Him in the same three ways. Let us, too, say, “We will drink no wine” ; if we make a promise, let us keep it; and let us remember that God says: “Children, obey your 'parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Eph. 6:1).

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

LESSON: This is a strange-lookirig letter. If it were any particular color, we might be able to guess what is rep­ resented; but it is -speckled, which makes it difficult to understand. I think I shall have to tell you what this letter stands for. It is whisky.- The outside of the “W” looks father pretty. There are those who would like to have us think that whisky is some­ thing to be desired. We must see what is on the inside, arid then we will know why we should avoid it. We Will cut the “W.” [Cut 1% inches from the bottom, and % of an inch from the fold, through the slanting bar, paral­ lel with the folded side. When unfolded, this will make an arrow with the word, “SORROW” written ori it.] See, whisky has a black arrow of "SORROW” in it.- [Reverse the top piece taken from the right side on the “ W,” placing the slanting piece over the one remaining, and you will still have a “W.” ] Now we see why we should never drink whisky. It has sorrow in it. See how the arrow pierces this herirt. [Put the point of the arrow in the slit in the heart.] Whisky brings sorrow to the heart, home, nation, and world. It has ruined many lives. •We now see the "W” is black, which


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Object lesson T he A rrow of S orrow

OBJECTS: A capital “W,” a paper heart, and a pair of scissors. (A slit, about 1 inch long should be made in the heart. Make the "W” by using a piece of white paper 8 % x ll inches. Fold in the middle, making the size 8 V 2 x5 y 2 inches. With the fold on the left, cut down along a line y2 inch from the fold to within 1 % inches of the bottom. From this point, cut on a slant 4 inches toward the upper right-hand corner, then slanting down to within 1 % inches of the bottom and y2 inch from the right side. From here, cut up the right side to the top. When cutting out the bottom to finish the “W” make a point on each side. Open the “W” and write the word “SORROW” on the inside of the folded bar. Make the inside black and the outside speckled, using various colors. Attach the “W” to the black­ board with thumb tacka.)

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