•April, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
them, nothing: doubting. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered into the man’s house: IS And he showed ns how he had seen an angel In his house, which stood and- said unto him, Send men to Joppa, and call for Simon, whose surname is Peter; 14 Who shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved. 15 And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the be ginning. 16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed bap tized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Gho$t. 17 Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as he did unto us, who be lieved on the Lord Jesus Christ, what was I, that I could withstand Godl 18 When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life. LESSON TEXT: Acts 11:5-18. GOLDEN TEXT: “ Then Peter opened his month, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10DEVOTIONAL BEADING: Psa. 88. Outline and Exposition I. T he P re para tio n (5-10) W HEN Peter returned to Jeru salem from Caesarea, whither he had gone to preach the gospel to a Gentile, the brethren too! him to task for going. They did tlÿ g because they thought they were sJfjjj merely a sect among the Jews, therefore should not have felIow#sjjjp with Gentiles. Peter defended his action by h3bform- ing the brethren of the vision K g jjad had at Joppa (vs. 5, 6 ). We need#noj. t,e surprised at the granting of tiima visi0n to Peter; it was quite in line v Æ ^ q 0 ( j > s methods with the Jews in the Testa ment, and these disciples, liv in g in ^he period of transition between « q 1( j Testa ment and Nëw Testament t i * nes lacke(j any revelation concerning m he peculiar composition and character omfe church. After the vision had
“Please God, Make Us Well Again 99
— pleads this young Ko rean girl and her baby brother. “ We have leprosy like our father and mother and we do not want to grow up with terrible sores a n d suffer like them. They told us at the Mission Station that ‘ there teas no room’ because of lack of funds. We want to get well again, to play like other boys and girls.” The above is an old story which the missionaries hear again and again. Hundreds must be turned away because, for them, like the infant Jesus, “ there is no room.” One missionary writes, “ Your heart would break to hear
them plead. Think o f us who must refuse them.” In the name of Christ, who Himself touched lepers, and who said, “ Suffer little children to come unto M e ” will you send us your EASTER offering? Your gift will not only provide the sav ing medical treatment, but will help bring the eternal salvation o f His word. $30 CARES FOR A LEPER CHILD, ONE YEAR $5 SUPPLIES MEDICINE FOR ONE YEAR — — — — — - — — Clip and mail today - — — ! THE AMER ICAN MISSON TO LEPERS, Inc. Dept. 5-A, 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City I At my EASTER offering to the lepers, I □ Complete care of an adult, one yr. 540. am happy to enclose $-----.......------....— j - j Complete care of a child, one yr. 530 | Name ------------------------------------------- □ Medicine for one year....------ -— . 5 5 I Addreis ............... ............ ......................... □ A hut for two people....------ . ... $20 1 Aids leper work o f all denominations and o f the Faith Missions I____
sen given to to him, (vs. that now all 'clean,” even ¡arth. If wild
Peter, a voice explained i 7-10). That voice declare J things were to be countecj to creeping things of
beasts and the creeping ^^R^mgs were now to be counted a ccep tab »e much more were human beings to j B ’ g0 regarded. When he grasped t h e » truth , hat was implied, Peter stepped " - - -
IF YOU LIVE in a small unchurched out-of-the-way com- munity or in a farming district and would like to give out Gospel tracts, you are in vited to write for free samples. Hospital, Jail, and housS-to-house workers welcome. Nothing to pay. Geo. Byrne, 317 So. Throop St., Chicago, 111- w a | I|E| Return this ad. with your film T A L U E t negative and receive a beautiful Hi-Glosa finish professional 5x7 enlargement for only 5c. .. ' * . r„ Nordskog Studios, Box 81, Maywood,III. m E B Q E a a a a CHOIR GOWNS PULPIT ROMS • EMtRCIDERIES HANGINGS • STOLES •VESTMENT! ALTAR APPOINTMENTS ^ COMMUNION SERVICE ' MEW CATALOG •» U ysett _ N A TIO N A L A C A D E M IC C A P & GOWN C O . &2j->3; a rc « phi la . celphi a . pa
God’s providence is further seen in that, when Peter arrived at Caesarea, he found all things ready for his com ing. Cornelius and his household were gathered, waiting for what they believed would be a message from the living God. Cornelius rehearsed the experience he had had with the angel, and how he had been instructed to send for Peter, who, he was told, “shall tell thee words, whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved” (v. 14). It should be remarked that while the angel could give a mes sage of direction to Cornelius, he could not give the saving gospel to him; that is a work which, in thé providence and wisdom of God, requires a human voice. m. T he P ower ( (5-18) The power of the gospel brought im mediate blessing to this Gentile and to his household (vs. 15, 16). To have the
Lut of the bounds ide woild of the ;he gospel of the
of Judaism into the Gentiles to preach grace of God.
T he P rovid J
SNCE (11-14) of the three men |r Peter’s having had more illustration of inning, His perfect (tail. appearance of the las thé bidding of the feter to go, “making 12, R. V.). But to linst the accusations Id be leveled against entiles, he had taken
The 1 appearance “immediately” afte the vision is one God’s perfect ph! timing of every de Added to the three men, there wj Holy Spirit for no distinction” (v( guard himself ag£ which he felt woul him for going to G| six brethren with
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