April, 1941
Holy Spirit fall upon these Gentiles there was no need for the laying on of hands by the apostles;- the simple ac ceptance of the Word of God was suffi cient. Hence Peter told the brethren that the Holy Spirit had come upon the Gentiles even as “on us at the begin n ing.” The power also, brought assurance to Peter’s heart and mind (v. 17). With the evident blessing of God resting upon the Geptiles who, until then, were thought tikbe outside the limits of such blessing, Pelf^r was assured that he was in the way and">!f»Uof God. Jewish pride was silenced as heTjeheld God actually dealing with GentilesfiSyie same man ner as He dealt with JewS^AJid if God would condescend to thus bleife Gentiles as He had blessed the Jews, P ^ er felt he could no longer maintain h is^^00*! ness. The power of the gospel broun satisfaction (v. 18)'.. These brethrei steeped in Jewish tradition, coyid pro-,, test no further, and they “ held- their' peace” at such a manifestation of God’s grace. They ‘‘glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.” Thus the Chris tian horizon was broadened. God now waits for the Gentiles to be broad enough and loving enough to include the Jews and to give them the gospel—the gospel first , heard through Jewish lips. Points and Problems 1. ‘‘I was in the city of Joppa pray ing” (Acts 11:5). This is a fitting intro duction to the story of the conversion of Cornelius and his house. When men begin to pray, things begin to happen. Your prayers may be small and mean, utterly lacking in vision; but if you pray, your own vision will be widened and things will be done of which you never dreamed. Peter had gone up on the housetop to pray (10:9). We do not know just what he prayed for, but we do know that his spiritual outlook was narrow; and thus, if he prayed for the salvation of the lost at all, it was doubt less for the salvation of his people the Jews. But God did exceeding abundant ly above all that Peter asked or thought. May the Lord help us to pray more! 2 . “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common” (11:9). The reader should keep carefully in mind the great purpose of this vision. It was not to teach Peter the Jew to eat-meats pro nounced unclean by the Mosaic law, as some have superficially concluded, but I*1'* Summer’s Vacation with Some of
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THCn PETER OP-EftED HIS moUTH.fiDO S-filO, OF f l TRUTH I PFRCEIuETHflT GOOISDORESPECTEROF PERSOnSVrs io : m to teach him what he already should have known, namely, that the salvation of God was to be carried to Gentiles as well.as to Jews. As far as the animals presented were concerned, Peter seems to have stood his ground, for there is no record of any attempt on his part to kill and eat. But he did learn the lesson that God intended. 3. “Who shall tell thee words, where by thou and all thy house shall be saved” (v. 14). Two things may be learned here: First, there is the lesson that God uses men in saving men. In ;he interest of economy, we might well ik why the angel could not have gprf)ken the necessary message to Cor- ne®us, instead of having the angel tell C orS ekus t° in touch with Peter, g hat is not God’s way. In the sec ond nfcace’ ’ n saving men, God uses the in stru *,enta,ity words. That is the busine * 3 of the soul-winner, to' tell to other “words> whereby” they shall be s a v e * t° the world this is the very a cn *e of foolishness; yet it is the wisdom o f God to save men “by the foolishness ! 01 Poaching” a message of words (1 SPor- 1:21>- .The world may scoff at t » e idea of savin£ men by “talk” but I f 1 a11 dePends on what you say when y j ou. talk. J f .you speak the right words, 4 “As I bf?® an t° sPeah> the Holy Ghost fell” (M - 15)- Thus God honors His Word. Eve « 1 the comin^ of the Holy Spirit waits f«P r the sP°ken word of God. Peter s p o fr « the Word' Cornelius believed the W c l rd- The Holy Ghost felL That is the w a A G0d WQrks In the sal‘ vation of imen. 5. “Whit was W ’ that 1 could with‘ stand God?” (v. 117). Peter had been under fire. There w » ds contention in the church (11:1-3). B i l l 1 the Slonous i n version of this c o l l QPany of Gentiles solved the problem. % ‘When they heard these things, they he # 1 their pearfe” (v. 18). Church fights c « annot live m the atmosphere of sou l-w®nmng.andureV!Val; If the preacher is u # df fire’ hlf best defense is to get out * nd wm the lost Golden Text A cts l(i Illustration :3+ bolor alone,
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Not for one race or Was He flesh of youl your bone; [Continued or\
flesh and bone of Page 150]
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