April, 1941
The International Hebrew Christian Alliance In Cooperation with The Hebrew Christian Alliance of America Appeal on Behalf of The Jews in a War-Torn World The story of the Jews in this war-torn world constitutes the most mournful tale that has ever been told. In no generation has calamity overtaken Israel as it has since the' rise of the Nazi dictatorship.
place to place, through cold or snow, wanted nowhere, won dering what may be the fate of loved ofles, shunned and despised tf not hunted and tortured, hungry, terrified, seek ing rest but finding none ? Carrying on the Work o f Mercy and Redemption Here is the whole kaleidoscopic picture: Germany, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Poland stand as symbols of horror, and
Effect of Modern Persecutions upon Jews What effect have these modern persecutions and exiles had upon the Jews ? It is true that thousands of Jews, as a result of the calamities visited upon them, have starved, despaired or committed suicide in Germany, Austria, Czecho-Slovakia, Poland and other countries during the past years. But to the praise of God, it can also be said that as a result of their sufferings, many other thousands of Jews have become more
spiritually minded, more open to the Christian gospel, more responsive to the appeal of Christ than ever in their his tory. All this is because today persecutions of Jews are not promulgated by the Church or Christians as was the case in Russia, Poland and other countries forty years ago and more. Today true Christians are pouring out their hearts in sympathy and prayer for Jews and Hebrew Christians in devastated Europe. On the one hand we have the Nazi regime frankly intent upon destroying the Jews the world over; on the other hand true Christians saying, in the words of the apostle Paul, “My heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.” Work of Rescue for Israel It is in this Christian spirit that the International Hebrew Christian Alliance and its affiliated alliances of Hebrew Christians have been laboring in the interests of the Jewish Christian victims of Nazi persecution. The writer of this page is the Rev. Jacob
agony for God’s Israel. Hundreds of thou sands of Jews driven despairingly from land to land. God’s angelic messengers at work among them in various countries, encouraging and 'comforting them and holding them in life and sanity and hope; above all, giving to them the witness concerning the Lord Jesus Christ as their true Messiah and their Saviour. Thousands of evangelized Jews scattered abroad throughout the world—the living Seed im planted in their hearts—potential ambas sadors for Christ. And many, many of these selfsame Jewish refugees now set tled in different lands, gloriously infused with the knowledge and love of our Lord Jesus Christ and with a burning zeal to promote the gospel. Blackest Period of Jewish History Thus in these days of suffering and paii., perhaps the blackest period in Jewish history, God is causing the wrath of man to praise Him so that many thousands of Jewish hearts have become responsive
Today there is a greater bondage and suffering of Jews in many coun tries of Europe than was the lot of the He brews in Egyptian slav ery. There were never so many Jews in Captiv ity in Babylonia or Syr ia o f old as are found today in countries en slaved by the Nazis. Not since the beginning o f Hebrew history h a v e there been so many homeless, naked, starv ing Jews as today.
Peltz, General Secretary of the International Hebrew Chris tian Alliance. He has lived and labored in Europe for five years and is now in America to plead on behalf of suffering Israel. As Alliances of Hebrew Christians we wish to put before the American Christian public a summary of the rapid and tragic spread of appalling conditions among Jews and Jewish Christians. Agony o f Suffering in Dead o f Winter Living as we are in the peace and security o f our beloved country and enjoying warm and comfortable homes, let us not forget the victims of persecution, terror and war. Can you imagine what it means to be driven on and on from
to the appeal of Christ. Church of the Living Redeemer! Awake! Awake! Is it nothing to you all ye that pass by? Behold, and see if there be any sorrow like unto Israel’s sorrow which she is suffering today! * * * “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
This great faith work merits your Interest and prayers. That you may be informed, please write for free booklet, “Is It Nothing to You ?’yMail postcard or letter today and this interesting booklet will be sent immediately without cost or obligation. Address all communications to the '
H E B R EW CHR I S T I AN Rev. Joseph R. Lewek, Treasurer
A L L I A N C E OF AME R I C A 3508 Ogden Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, Dept. KB-4
R ev/ Will H. Houghton, D. D. Rev. Louis S. Bauman, D. D. Bishop Horace M. DuBose, D. D. Pres. Charles E. Ellis, D. D. Prof. Robert R. Fritsch, D. D. Rev. J. Henry Hutchins, D. D. Rev. H. A. Ironside, Litt. D. Rev. Bob Jones, D. D. Rev. Robert T. Ketchum, D. D. Rev. A. Gordon MacLennan, D. D.
Rev. John Gibson Inkster, D. D. Rev. Albert Sidney Johnson, D. D. Rev. Curtis Lee Laws, D. D. Rev. Kenneth MacKenzie, D. D. Rev. Victor L Master, D. D. Rev. E. J. Pace, D. D. Rev. Wm. L. Pettingill, D. D. Rev. Roy L. Smith, D. D. Rev. Acquilla Webb, D. I). Bishop Edwin S. Woodring, D. Da
Rev. Albertus Pieters, D. D. Rev. T. Roland Phillips, D. D. Bishop S. P. Spreng, D. D. Rev. Samuel M. Zwemer, D. D. Rev. O. F. Bartholomew, D. D. Rev. J. Oliver Buswell, D. D. Pres. J. D. Eggleston, LL. D. Rev. Alexander Esler, D. D. Rev. Harry G. Hamilton, D. D,
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