April. 1841
trying to be good in' the best way he knew how; but they were not enough to save him. He needed to be intro duced to Christ, and that is the reason God had him send for Peter. Our own goodness cannot save us—only Jesus saves. Object Lesson . A “ V ’v a n d a V ision OBJECT: A capital “V,” (Make the “V” by using 3 pieces of white paper 8 % x 11 inches. Fold all 3 pieces ,to make the size 8 % x 5y2. The fold should be to the left. Beginning down 1 y2 in ches from the top on the left side, start cutting on a slant to the center of the bottom, tfren up to the right top corner. Now cut out the inside of the “V,” leaving the uprights % of-an inch wide. When each “V” is opened, it will make a “W.” The- center “W” should be black, the next red, and the last—the one which will appear on .top when the “V” is opened—should be white. Color the- “V” gold. - Attach to the blackboard with thumb tacks.) LESSON: What do you think th'.s largev“V” could remind us of ? “It is gold, suggesting heaven.” Yes, its color suggests heaven. The “V” stands for “VISION.” It reminds us of a heavenly vision. You remember how Peter, while hungry, fell into a trance on the.housetop and had a vision. Because it was a heavenly vision, he obeyed it.- While the vision was prin cipally about Cornelius, still it con tained truths which mean something to all of us. We will take this “V’’ apart and see what is in it. Here we have a black “W,” Which speaks of the wicked world. Next, we find a “W” which is red, tell ing us of a world Saviour, Christ Jesus. Before Peter had his vision, he thought that salvation was for the Jews only. Afterwards he wrote, “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit” <1 Pet, 3:18). Opening the "V,” we find it makes a white “W,” which reminds us of those from all nations who have received the righteousness of Jesus Christ. Not only did Peter need such a vision, but we who are living today need to know that the world is wicked, that there is a world Saviour, and that all who accept Him are made white in the sight of God.
Not for you only—for all men He died, On the rock, Golgotha, crucified. Five were the wounds from which He bled, Five were the colors the angel said, Yellow and black, white, brown, and red. - All men redeemed by the thorn-crowned head. —Heart and Life.
Systematic Daily Vacation Bible Course toI Bible Schools by Alveretta Bowman A Bible-centered course, proved by experience; used in hundreds of schools. Expertly prepared daily programs; provides for 10 grades, but suited for any size school. THREE VOLUMES': Beginner & Primary; Junior; Intermediate—$1.50 vol. Handwork 15c set. Write Now fora Set for Examination No Obligation on Yoijr Part Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 234 Pearl St. Grand-Rapids, Mich. Fourteen Everyday Cards Our New De Luxe box is now ready, containing an assortiment of 14 cards for Birthdays, Convalescence . and Sym pathy. Every day finds need for them. $1.00 post paid. Agents wanted. Profit is made by volume sales as .they sell as. soon as shown. H.' l . DeVALL " . SB Woodbridge Ave. New Brunswick, N. J. The HEART of a CHILD CHILDREN’S DAY PROGRAM That Is Different By Henrietta C. Mears A real message with a definite purpose. Pre sents growth in Christian Education and shows the results of planting God’s Word In the hearts of boys and girls. Price 35c THE GOSPEL LIGHT PRESS H4S-A No. Tine Street Hollywood, Calll. "Old Rugged Cross” Seng Specials Containing the two great favorites every where. “The Christ of the Human Hoad,“ and “Tell Me His Name Again,” and other beautiful numbers. 30o per copy, or two cop ies for 50c. BENNAftD MUSIC COMPANY, Albion, Mich.
On a Trip for Jesus A cts 10 a n d 11
MEMORY VERSE: “ The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein” (Psa. 24:1). - A P P R O A C H :
Whenever we take a trip there are al ways things to get ready and plans to b e ma d e . Some times our plans do not all work out just as we thought they would, but if G o d m a k e s the plans, they n e v e r
fail. When we go places It is a good thing to make our going a “trip for Jesus” and ask Him to help us with our arrangements. The Lord Jesus al ways sends us to the right place at the right time. LESSON STORY: The story of Peter and Cornelius is a story of Clod’s plan ning. Cornelius was A good man, one who fasted and prayed, but he didn’t know anything about Christ. God spoke to him in a vision, and told him to send to Joppa for Peter, who could tell him how to be saved. While Cornelius was having this experience, Peter was hav ing a vision, too. He was hungry and Ae dreamed he saw a great sheet let down from heaven with all kinds of beasts on it, both clean and unclean, and. he heard a voice saying, “Rise, Peter; kill, and eat” (Acts 10:13). Peter was shocked and refused to do so. You see, the Jews were forbidden to touch any unclean animal. The voice spoke again: “What God hath cleansed, that call iy>t thou common.” Peter wondered what his dream could mean, but as soon as the messengers came from Cornelius he began to understand. You see, Cornelius was a Gentile, and Peter would never have gone to take him the gospel unless Cod had shown him by his vision that all men are alike,to God, and that the gospel is for all. But now Peter was glad- to go, and Cornelius was saved. It always pays to go where God sends us. God shows us something else by this story. The prayers of Cornelius, and his fasting, were pleasing to God be cause He saw by this that Cornelius was
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