King's Business - 1941-04

April, 1941



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Office records reveal that a decision for Christ results From each 45 cents spent in evangelizing children by the method described below. THE METHOD: “Aunt Phoebe’s Stories for Boys and Girls” (pictured above) is an, at­ tractively printed booklet which re­ lates actual incidents in the lives of real boys and girls. It explains sim­ ply, clearly, and definitely, how to be saved. A business reply card is en­ closed in this booklet that entitles the reader to a New Testament free. This second card invites decision for Christ. Experience (not theory) is showing us that for the expenditure of every forty-five cents that is used in this when they are returned to us we know they are from your distribu­ tion. After we care for the response, these cards are mailed to you (twice a month) so that you have every ad­ vantage for personal follow-up that you would have if the return cards were addressed to yourself. But you do not have to stock booklets nor Testaments and provide for the mail­ ing. Another advantage is that you get response from many,who will mail to a distant address When they are A ll prices subject to change.

Five True Stories of Boys and Girls Who Found Christ as Saviour

THE EQUIPMENT: 1. A new, illustrated, beautifully printed colored tract for boys and girls relating .an actual experience. The title is “A Happy Day for 4 Young Ljves." 2. A business reply postcard, ad­ dressed to our office, that encourages the boy or girl to write for a free copy of the booklet, “Aunt' Phoebe’s Stories for Boys and Girls.” 3. Colored cellophane cut into sheets 3x6% inches that permit you to roll the tracts and cards into ir­ resistible rolls called Gospel Bombs. ADEQUATE FOLLOW-UP: These prices cover not only the cost for this ideal children’s cellophane roll, but also the cost to us of post­ age and of booklets mailed in re­ sponse to the return card. In addi­ tion to this, however, you .promise to reimburse us at the rate of 25 cents each for the New Testaments we may ultimately mail to those re­ sponding from your distribution. The business reply cards supplied for your rolls are so numbered that

method of evangelism, one boy or girl accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. This figure is'estimated from total cost of material for the cello­ phane rolls, of postage and booklets mailed in response, and of Testaments subsequently mailed, when we handle the follow-up. To permit those vitally and prayer­ fully concerned to evangelize effec­ tively children not otherwise being reached, we will provide the material for rolling in cellophane as follows: timid about sending to a local group. A sample roll, together with a sample copy of “Aunt Phoebe’s Sto­ ries for Boys and Girls,” each con­ taining the business reply card, will be mailed on receipt of 10 cents if you mention THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS. We furnish cellophane Alone, as­ sorted colors in a package, either 3x6% or 4x8 inches, as follows: 250 sheets 50 cents; 500 sheets 75 cents; 1,000 sheets $1.25. (Postpaid.)' ” ” ” ,

The new tract, “A Happy Day for 4 Young Lives" The business reply card addressed to our office...—« > In quantities of J The cellophane cut 3x6Vs inches (assorted colors) J

r 250..... ..... ..$2.00 (Postage Extra)

500............S3.00 1,000— ........$5.00


306 12th Street

P. O. Box 599-K

Oakland, California

Write for information about reaching every home in large cities or about a state-wide coverage with a cellophane roll that will interest both adults and .children at a cost of 1 cent for ten homes.

Churches, groups, or individuals desiring to reach 250, 500, 1,000 or more homes each month with a new message are invited to write for information about a hovel and most economical service that will be available May 1.

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