King's Business - 1941-04

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Early in the eighteenth century, Charles Wesley caught the flaming torch from the aging Watts, and during his lifetime he produced 6,000 hymns, many of them classics of religious poetry. Nothing that we have transcends the majesty of “Hark!. The Herald Angels Sing” and “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today.” One of nineteen children, Charles, with his brother John, was an instrument of God for a mighty "spirit­ ual awakening,” and the birth of Meth­ odism. You will be amazed at the num­ ber of hymns that we sing today from the hand of this godly man. Other writers, through the -years, have kept men singing the praises of our Lord, by producing a stream of glorious hymns such as: “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,” , “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!” “My Faith Looks Up to Thee,” “Abide with Me,” “Tell Me the Old, Old Story,” “God Will Take Care of You,” etc. Our own century has brought forth such gospel hymns as “The Old Rugged Cross” (1913), often called the “miracle hymn” because of its unusual popularity and soul-winning appeal. 'Radio listen­ ers have voted it their best-loved hymn —and in fact, in a contest not limited to religious songs, it not only won firslf place, but also secured more votes than all other songs put together! This hymn is one whose author has lived to receive blessing and tribute for his composition, for George Bennard, bom in 1873, is still living. For the Leader 1. Relate the story of the place of music in great spiritual movements— revival under the Wesleys, the Moody campaigns, the Welsh revival, etc. 2. Give an account of remarkable con­ versions through hymns. 3. Cite circumstances surrounding the writing of some of our most famous hymns. (Excellent books are available on this subject. Consult librarian.) 4. Report on the influence o f sacred music in the lives of some of the world’s greatest composers (Bach, Handel, etc.). Consult encyclopedia or book on Christ and the fine arts.) 5. Find interesting accounts of the work, characteristics, mannerisms, pe­ culiarities, and spiritual life of the great song leaders of more recent times (Sankey, Alexander, Rodeheaver, etc.).

April, 1941


it consists chiefly of either “dirges and minor wails,” expressions of sorrow, loneliness, and disappointment, or “ri­ bald clamors and tom-toms of debauch­ ery”—nothing of the peace and joy and gladness that the Christian knows. What a contrast to this picture is that of a group of Christian young people lift­ ing up their hearts and voices in the "Glory Song” ! . (Sing it!) What w o u l d the religion of Jesus Christ be without music? For Those Who Have Topics A B rief H istorical S k e t c h o “ R eligious M u sic ” 1 IN THE OLD TESTAMENT. 1. David appointed “singers with in­ struments of music” (1 Chron. 15:16). 2. At the dedication of the temple by Solomon (2 Chron. 5:12, 13). 3. At the rededication under Josiah (2 Chron. 35:15). 4. At the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem (Neh. 7:44; cf. 12:43, 45-47). II. IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. 1. The “music” (though it may not have been “singing” ) of the angels (Lk. 2:13, 14). 2. On the eve of the crucifixion. The Lord Jesus sang! (Mk. 14:26). 3. In the gatherings of the early be­ lievers (by implication, Acts 2:46; 1 Cor. 14:15; Jas. 5:13). 4. From the prison at Philippi (Acts 16:25). 5. Throughout eternity! (Rev. 5:9; 14:3). III. IN MODERN TIMES. The Lord left us the revelation that the lives of normal Christians would be characterized by music and singing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16). However, after the first few centuries of purity, the. church, having degenerated through fear and compromise and worldliness, ceased to sing! Under the Romish sys­ tem, only the priests or selected choirs sang, and then only in a Latin' chant. With the close of the fifteenth cen­ tury came Martin Luther and the Reformation. Congregations again be­ gan to sing, and the first Protestant hymnal appeared in 1524. Four of its eight hymns were written by Luther! In a few years, all Germany was sing­ ing the hymns, of Luther, who has been called “the father of congregational singing.” Inscribed on his monument in Wittenberg are the words, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” This is one of his grandest hymns. Said to have been inspired by Psalm 46, it is often called the “National Hymn of Germany.” .By 1675, the church had become so strict that- only riming versions of Psalms were allowed. Singing of them (a line at a time, read by a “clerk” ) as they were droned out, was most dis­ tressing. Isaac Watts came to the rescue and produced such hymns as “Our God, Our Help in Ages Past.” The church began to sing again! *

WILLARD HOTEL is located in the left wing of the Bible Insti­ tute building, next to the' Public Library park, ad­ joining the Church of the Open Door. It is operated as a first class temper­ ance hotel, surrounded by a Christian environ­ ment that assures a safe, comfortable and exclu­ sive place to stop. 13 stories of fireproof con- jstruction. Rates:

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MAY 18, 1941 H O W TO READ OUR NEWSPAPERS E ph e sia n s 4:25-27, 29-32 B y Paul Bauman Introduction

One cannot study the life and teach­ ings of our Lord and fail to realize the

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