April, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
tainly not be passed by of the devil. For this reason the Christian must be on his guard le?t he read to his harm. Here are some things to avoid: 1. Smut (v. 29)—off-color or sugges tive stories. 2. Scandal or gossip (vs. 25, 31)— malicious talk, serving no good use or purpose. 3. Sensational news (v. 30). Exam ples are murder stories and trials that consume many columns and often con tinue many days, and which have no use in the Christian’s life and work, ex cept to detract. Never permit the news paper to assume as important a place in your life as the Word itself. Illus.: A minister taught an old man in his parish to read. He proved a proficient pupil. Later, the minister was not able to call for some time. When he did, only the wife was at home. “How "does John get on with his read ing?” asked the pastor. “Nicely, sir,” replied the wife. “ Ah, I suppose he will read his Bible very comfortably now.” “Bible, sir! Bless you! He was out of the Bible and into the newspaper long ago!” There are many like this! in. TAKE “THA’T WHICH IS GOOD TO THE USE OF EDIFYING” (v. 29). ’From the cross streams a light that reveals faces in sharp contrasts, the “nameless hero,” the “false friend,” the “little outlaw,” and eleven others in comparison with the “ Steadfast Face.” The latest book of sermons by this well-known author. Cloth.... $1.50 THE SEVEN SAYINGS OF THE SAVIOUR ON THE CROSS By Arthur W. Pink An exposition of the words “in which are wrapt up the Gospel of our Sal vation . . . words which inform us of the purpose and sufficiency of Christ’s death.” Cloth ........... $1.50 VOICES FROM CALVARY By Harry Rimmer We often remember only the seven marvelous words, but there w e r e seven voices also that spoke at Cal vary. Cloth ................. ............. $1.00 California patrons add 3% sales tax. 560 SOUTH HOPE STREET LOS ANGELES, CALIF.
material worth preserving. Purchase a letter file, manila folders, or envelopes, and file the clippings from day to day where they will be available at any time. Your file should contain subject matter of such nature as'the following: 1. Statistics which prove the truth of Scripture .statements—such as those concerning “perilous times” in the last days (2 Tim. 3:1-7). Material should be gathered showing the cost of crime, prevalence of drunkenness, divprce, juvenile delinquency, money spent for luxuries in contrast to that spent for the work of the Lord, etc. 2. Discoveries confirming the Scrip tures. For example, look for discoveries in the field of archaeology. Note care fully the authorities quoted concerning thgse statements, and beware of unsup ported “feature” items. 3. Quotations from recognized think ers which bear in some way upon the Bible. 4. Editorials on pertinent subjects. 5. Writings of the best columnists. 6 . Items illustrating the trends of the day (i.e.,., Matt. 24, Lk. 21). 7. News events, significant in the light of the Bible. H. “NEITHER GIVE PLACE TO THÉ DEVIL” (v. 27), Anything that bears so profound an influence upon the thoughts and acts of men as does the newspaper will cer Dr. Monroe gives us a study of the sites concerned with the resurrection of Christ “in order that we may better understand the S c r i p t u r a l teachings concerning the death and resurrection of the One whom we all love and seek to serve.” Paper..... 25c THE EMPTY TOMB AND THE RISEN LORD By C. C. Bodson An Englsh publication that tells the story of the Resurrection in the light of the Garden Tomb. Illustrated. Cloth ............. .............. $1.00 FREEDOM THROUGH THE CROSS By L. L. LEGTERS The crucifixion of our Lord gave us a sixfold freedom from bondage. Dr. Legters has for his purpose in writing that we may “begin to appreciate and appropriate what Christ finished on the cross.” Paper................... ....!.... 25c
fact that He was quick to use the events and tendencies of His day for the pur pose of impressing upon His hearers the truths of the Scripture and the reality of •spiritual things. There are many illustrations to be found in the gospel accounts (cf. Mk. 8:11-21; 12:38-44; Lk. 13:4). The Apostle Paul was able to con found the philosophers of his day when he met with them rin Athens (Acts 17:15-33). Through his education and reading, he was able to meet them on their own grounds (v. 28). How often Christian people are forced to remain silent, because they are ignorant either of Scriptural teaching or of significant events that are taking place about them! (cf. Matt. 10:16). For a knowledge of world conditions and tendencifes that bear upon the Word, the newspaper is extremely valuable, provided it is used wisely. For Those Who Have Topics In endeavoring to make use of the newspapers, the Christian should: I. "SPEAK . . . THE TRUTH” (Eph. 4:25). Statements will be challenged many dines unless they can be backed up with proof from everyday life. Therefore, every Christian should make a practice of reading the papers with the thought of collecting material which demon strates the truth of God’s Word. Clip “Nothing like it had happened before and nothing like it has ever hap pened since” . . . Christianity stands or falls on the truth or fallacy of the resurrection of the body of Christ. . . Will the bodies of all be raised? . . . When? . . . What will they be like? These and other important questions are answered by Scripture. Cloth ...... 75e THE GOSPEL OF THE RESURRECTION By T. Wilkinson Riddle A group of lectures prepared for the M u n d e s l e y Conference, Norfolk, England. “It was not the resurrection of Jesus as a mere fact but the Gos pel of the Resurrection that the apostles .preached.” Cloth............. 50e THE EMPTY TOMB By Alexander Maelaren, C. H. Spurgeon, 0. L. Moody, and others Resurrection realities made plain. Paper ....................................... ,....... 20e
Newspaper material should be used, not for its own sake or interest, but H I S G L O R I O U S T R I U M P H THE RESURRECTION OF THE HUMAN BODY By Norman H. Camp CALVARY’S AFTERGLOW By Kenneth M. Monroe FACES ABOUT THE CROSS By Clovii G. Chappell
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