T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April, 1941
saved, and others with him were reached. There are countless others like him. “Go out into the highways and. hedges, and compel them to come in” (Lk. 14:23). 2. How easy it is to tune our car radio to definitely Christian programs so that those in our car—and many are so ready to go with us—may hear! This makes a good opening for personal work. IV. PRAYER WHILE THE GOSPEL > IS BROADCAST. 1. Definitely claim the power of the blood of Christ for sound Scriptural pro grams while they are on the air. 2. Pray for the continued interest of new listeners and for conversions, for funds for the maintenance of this min istry, for the health and preservation of the broadcasters (Rom. 8:26). 3. Pray especially that the enemy may be hindered. Remember that Satan, the “prince of the power of the air” (Eph. 6:12) is against these programs, but he is powerless against the shed blood of Christ. V. RADIO SHOULD NOT SUPPLANT CHURCH OR CHRISTIAN EN DEAVOR ATTENDANCE. ' “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” (Heb. 10:25). 1. There is a snare—even to the earn est Christian—that of staying at home to listen to radio programs, Biblical or otherwise, instead of going to church. The church needs Christian youth. Their presence encourages the pastor. Their influence is felt among other. young people more than they can know. 2. There is a special blessing in the fellowship of groups of believers. Chris tian youth needs the church! For the Leader 1. Let the group testify of broadcasts that have blessed them. 2. Cite instances of genuine conver sions through sound Scriptural radio programs. One Radio Broadcaster’s Opinion Percy B. Crawford, a Biola graduate of the Class of 1926, is pastor of the Young People’s Church of the Air,
rather “for the building up of the need” (R. V. margin) -of “them that hear.” Before using material, one should ask: 1. Does it confirm the Word? 2. Does it enhance the understand ing?
Book Missionaries Wanted to Sell Mrs. Charles E. Cowman’s g r e a t trio of devotional books: Streams in the Desert Consolation Springs in the Valley $1.50 each postpaid Liberal Commission ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY PUBLISHERS 900 No. Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif.
3. Does it bring conviction? 4. Does it strengthen faith? For the Leader
In preparing this lesson, it will prove interesting to glean from the news papers of the preceding month examples of usable material that has some defi nite relation to Scriptural truth, sug gesting in each case the particular pas sages illustrated. This you may do your self, or the work may be assigned to others. MAY 25, 1941 H O W TO USE OUR RADIOS P h il ip p ia n s 4 :8 ; 1 J ohn 2:15-17 By Florence Nye •Whitwell Introduction The Use of the radio is So general that it is inescapable. Let us pause reverently in the light of God’s holy Word, and con sider how we may use this great modern device to His glory. For Those Who Have Topics I. W H A T P R O G R A M S DO WE C H O O S E ? “Take heed therefore how -ye hear” (Lk. 8:18). 1. Sensuous rhythms do not make saints. The home where the blare of the dance orchestra or the croon of the night club singer is heard continually does not have an atmosphere that is spiritually helpful. The so-called “jungle motifs” are said to be rejected by the natives of the jungle, who prefer sym phonies! “Love not the world . . .’’ (1 John 2:15-17). 2. Paul’s instructions are positive: “Whatsoever things are pure, whatso ever things are lovely, . . . think on these things” (Phil. 4:8). II. CHOOSING SOUND SCRIPTURAL PROGRAMS. A surface knowledge of the Bible is not enough. We must know God’s great plan for the ages, if we would never be deceived by unsound programs that pur port to be based upon Scripture. “The sheep follow him: for they know his voice” (John 10:4; cf. v. 5). . HI. PORTABLE RADIOS’ POSSIBLE WITNESS. - 1. A young man set up his radio out doors, using a barbed-wire fence for the antenna. He “happened” to dial to the Old-Fashioned Revival Hour, a gospel program that uses more stations than does that of even the popular Amos ’n Andy broadcast. This young man lis tened to the wonderful music and the Spirit-indited message of Charles E. Ful ler.* Through this program he was
2 Ä G 0 W N S Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. < State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 4th St. Greenville, 111.
lines I N S U R A N C E X MINES, MacKEIGAN & HILKER PER SH IN G SQUARE BU ILD ING LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 448 South Hill St. Phone VA-7102 CABLES bom EUROPE From France: Money received. Workers well. Religious work in France among Russian refugees is steadily increasing. In German Poland also great hunger for Word of God. Many conversions. Continue support of evangelists, relief for refugees and orphans. Bring souls to Christ. The time is late. Will you join with your prayers and gifts to speed the harvest? Send your gifts to the Russian Missionary Society, Inc. Rev. F. J . Miles, International Secretary 1844 W. Monroe St., Rm. 2, Chicago, Illinois
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BIBLE BINDERY Flexible Leather Covers a Specialty GRACE W H ID D EN 1940 Bermuda L ong Beach, CaUt, THE R E S U R R E C T I O N O F TH E HUMAN BOD Y “ The Distinctive Truth o f Christianity’ By Norman H. Camp, Evangelistic Bible Teacher and Author
Christianity stands or falls on the truth or fallacy of the greatest miracle of miracles, the resurrection of the human body of Jesus Christ. “Too many Easter sermons in Christian pulpits ignore the assured fact of bodily resurrection.” What became of the body of Jesus Christ ? Will the bodies of all men be raised from the grave ? When? What will the bodies Graduate, Biola 1931,
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