April, 1941
T H E K I N O ’ S B U S I N E S S
EASTER BIBLES tor Every Person, Purse, or Purpose Bibles for Young Peopls Teachers* and Scholars* Bibles Large Type Bibles Concordance Bibles •••Zipper Bibles. . . Red Letter Bibles.... IllustratedBibles. •. Low-Priced Bibles. i . Testaments
which has been giving nation-wide broadcasts on Sunday afternoons over the Mutual Network. In response to the Editor’s request for his comment on this week’s lesson topic, the following communication came from Mr. Crawford. “The use of the radio today can be one of two things, either a blessing or a curse. I do not think that radio serv ices can take the place of personal wor ship or attendance at church. One’s soul gets something from a good fundamental church service that it cannot get over the radio. “One of the marvels of the twentieth' century has been the use of the radio in reaching the lost for Christ; I once had my bureau drawers packed with letters of those who professed Christ as their Saviour, as a result of listening to our gospel broadcasts. Finally the letters became too numerous to keep there. Thank God for the thousands saved! “Above all, helpful as radio messages may be, young people especially need training in the knowledge of the Bible, first-hand, such as is available in a Bible school. I have' gone to college and have taken my work in the graduate school of the university and have spent three long years in the theological sem inary, but I honestly believe my two years at the Bible Institute of Los An geles constituted the training that was the most valuable to me of all my education. “A clever means to spread the gospel is the use of portable radios placed at certain populated sections of our cities and towns so that people may hear the gospel. We must be ‘wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.’ ’’ JUNIOR KING’ S BUSINESS [Continued from Page 136 ] fort and joy, and He bids me tell you God our Father is calling you to receive Him, too, as the Saviour- from sin.” The women listened with interest but stupidly, it seemed to her, and while she still talked with them, the door opened, and she was called out to appear before the chief officers. There were a number’ of them gathered in the room she was led into, but she felt no fear. Steadfastly she repeated, “I cannot tell you where my brother is, for I do not know myself.” Disappointed because they were not able to find out what" they wanted to know, and angry at her quiet courage, one of the officers struck her a hard blow on her cheek, and another picked up a big stick and struck her several times over the shoulders with it. There leaped into her mind Christ’s words to His disciples, “Rejoice, and be i exceed ing glad: for great is your reward in heaven.” “I almost shouted for joy,” she told her mother afterwards, “and truly, though I was black and blue, the blows never hurt me at all!”
When the door of the cell closed be hind her again, the three women came to her quickly , to offer sympathy, but their words were never spoken as they looked amazed at her shining eyes and radiant face. “We, too, would like to worship a God like that,” they said ea gerly as she told them what God had done for her. “We want a living Saviour!” That night, when the bowl of coarse bread and cup of water, their only sup- pe'r, was brought to them, four heads bowed in thanksgiving to the true God, giver of every good gift. “Truly,” muttered the chief of police, "these people are beside themselves— they are crazy here,” tapping his head. “What can one do with crazy people— we might as well let them all go tomor row!” All through the night in that dark cell there arose prayers of worship and songs of praise to their mighty Redeemer, and 4 with the coming of a new day, as Pre cious Faith said, it seemed as if He sent His angel to open the door by the hand of the angry policeman and let, not only one believer, but four go free to testify to the wonderful love and power of their Risen Lord. New K. Y. -B. C. Members The following- have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members of the Know Your Bible Club: ALTOONA," P-A,: Verna Benton; Annetta and Lorma Chamberlin; Charles Chesney: Helen Ingold; Martha K linger; Paul Little; Jean and Robert Miller; Laura Old ham, and Paul Woodring (Mrs. Oldham, teacher 1; CERES, CALIF.: Harold Hayes; Wilma Jelan - Mund a y , and Robert Woodworth (Mrs. Woodworth, leader). . GERMANTOWN, N. Y.: Judith Denegar and Gloria Rifenburgh (Clara Barrett, teacher, and Elisabeth' Taylor co-teacher). GIG HARBOR, WASH.; Beverly and Kenneth Able; Evelyn Benson; Nona Jean and Vivian Eide; Martie Jacobson; Leora Lower, and Clar'a Weaver (Millie Dee Yates, leader). , LAKE ODESSA, MICH.; Bethal Annway: Genivieve Archer; Eleanor Deatsman: Betty Grant; Yvonne Haney; Charlotte Malcolm; Dorothy and Evelyn Morrow; Wilma Myers, and June Reed (Mrs. Albert Miller, leader). MAYNARD, MINN-.: Beverly Evans; Mayme Heath, and Rddney Nelson (Elvinia Nelson, .leader). SANTA CRUZ, CALIF.: Lois Johnson. SWANNANO, N. C.: Delores, Florence, Iris, and Ruby Allen; Richard Barnwell; Maude Bennett; Lena Biggs; Calvin and James Creaseman; Ruby ■Daniel; Louise Jarrett; Hazel and Karleen Patton, . and Sara Bess Wilson (Irene Snow McMahan, leader). WASHINGTON, D. C.: Lydia Ballinger; Betty Jones; Joanne Smith,, and Phyllis Strout (Ethel Vance, Jeader). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club To become a membef of the Know, Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel ac cording 1o John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been rend, and a statement to this effect, dgned by parent or Sunday-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y. B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gospels or plus may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs: Gospels, post paid, five cents each—In quautity, three cents; plus, without postage, two cents each. However, no one Is to do without a Gosne) or pin because of lack of money. Adaresst Junior King’s Business, 658 8. Hope It., Xoi Angeles, -Calif.
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