T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April, 1941
DA ILY Devotional Readings
Dr. Rodney O. Lilyquist DENTIST
Suite 806 Story Bldg1. 610 South Broadway
Los Angeles TUcker 7714
5. The Measure of Our Delight ‘.‘The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God” . (2 Thess. 3:5). As we love God, just as much and no more shall His love to us be our unspeakable delight; for unless we lo.ve any one, we care nothing for his love to ourselves. Just as- we love Him shall duty be a pleasure, worship an exquisite enjoyment, and self-denial sweeter than any self-indulgence could be. Just as we love Him shall earth become like heaven.—John Dickie. True Bread “Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread?” (Isa. 55:2). It is the plan of our life that we should walk and talk with God. We are endowed with profound instincts and yearnings and capacities which, are fitted to receive and entertain the di vine presence. And these eternal pow ers are feeling for the eternal as for their vital bread. Offer them the world’s feast, and they are hungry still. . . . These things are not big enough. The soul thirsts for God, for the living God. —J. H. Jowett. 7. The Heart-Breaking Touch “And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of Mis thigh” (Gen. 32:25). % , • The touch on Jacob’s thigh was meant for his heart. . . . He had actually been fighting God! He never really meant that. That heart-breaking touch on the thigh reached iato the will, the citadel. The will bent.. With all its disciplined strength it bent, and bent clean over. He quit wrestling. He had to. He took to clinging. And he be came the prince, the Israel, prince with God. pleading for forgiveness and bless ing, and prevailing.—S. D. Gordon. 8 . From God’s Viewpoint “The Lord seeth hot as man seeth; . , . the Lord looketh on the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7). True faithfulness knows no distine- -tion between great and small duties. . . . From the highest point of view— 6 .
J, The Work and the Prize “Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto theiV fathers to give them” (Josh. 1:6). D. M. Panton, of England, when he wrote the following paragraph, preach ed several first-class sermons: . “The work is solemn, therefore do not trifle; the task is difficult, therefore do not relax; the opportunity is brief, therefore do not delay; the path is narrow, there fore do not wander; the prize is glo rious, therefore do not faint.”—Selected. 2. The Overrunning Cup “My cup runneth over” (Psa. 23:5). There is always something over When we trust our gracious Lord; Every cup He fills o’erfloweth— His great rivers all are broad. Nothing narrow, nothing stinted, Ever issued from His store; To His own He gives full measure, . Running over, evermore. Human lips can never utter All His wondrous tenderness; We can only praise and wonder And His name forever'bless. 8 , Comfort in Our Toil “This same shall comfort us concern ing our work and toil of our hands'* (Gén. 5:29). I first state a fact which is ancient as the fall and widespread as man. It is this: A sinful world is a tearful world. . . In all climes and ranks, the head is weary and the heart is sick. I next state a truth, which came,in, as twin-bom, with the earliest promise. It is this: Consolation is provided. God has sent forth Christ Jesus . . . to be the Consolation of this woe-worn world. —Henry Law. • 4. The Breaking Point “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God” (Psa. 42:5). “Don’t you feel you’re liable to break?” a devoted Christian was asked in time of severe testings. “Yes,” he replied. “ I often feel I might, but not until Psalm 50 breaks at verse 15.” “What does that say?” his friend asked. He opened his Bible and read, “Call upon me in the day of trouble? - will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” —Brethren Missionary Herald. —Margaret E. Barber.
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