King's Business - 1941-04

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


April, 1941

CHR I ST I AN G R E E T I N G C A R D S for re-sale or personal use. Cards for all occa­ sions. Birthday, -Congratulations, Good Cheer, Get Well, and Sympathy folders. True Christian sentiments. Each exquisite card has some dis­ tinctive touch which gives it instant appeal. Also EASTER GREETINGS with beautiful Christian sentiments. There should be a BIG demand in your ,community for these cards. Rock bottom prices insure our agents large all-year-round profits. Write TODAY for complete information. SCRIPTURE GREETING CARD CO. Dept. 2 Box 522 Philadelphia, Pa. « D i m TO ANY EVANGELICAL I M ill CHRISTIAN MINISTER Sunday School or Missionary Superintendent, onp copy of “TAKE NO THOUGHT” for each family In his congregation providing he will agree to give a talk on Tithing before distribution. Write stating denomination and number of leaflets desired to TITHEB, 721K Title Insurance Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. A r e Y o u r L e g s B a d ? If you suffer with .VARICOSE VEINS, PH LEBITIS, or SWOLLEN LIMBS, is it worth lc . . . (your name and address on a postcard) to learn how you can obtain quick I relief and lasting comfort by wearing TRIO Adjustable Washable Stockings. NO RUB­ BER. Made to your measure. COOL and . COMFORTABLE. Cost less than elastic. Write for Booklet. PROFESSIONAL PRODUCTS CORPORATION 540-K North Michigan 'Ave. Chicago, Illinois m

it is necessary that prayer should be of such a nature as to be effective. It is “ the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man” that “availeth much.” —Selected. 20. The Higher Bock “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (Psa. 61:2). Let us take some great passage of Scripture where the glory of the Lord is revealed. . . . Let us kneel before it. Let us look up and pray. I am how before the Rock that is higher than I. And such a prayer could not be thought­ less. It could not be filled with trifles. Even before I begin to speak in audible prayer, there will be an enlargement of aspiration and desire. —J. H. Jowett. The Load of Sin “And you . . . who were dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph. 2:1). As an Indian evangelist was preach­ ing, a flippant youth interrupted him. "You tell about the burden of sin. I feel none. How heavy is it ?. Eighty pounds? Ten pounds?” The preacher answered, “Tell me, if you laid four hundred pounds’ weight on a corpse, would it feel the load?” “No, because it’s dead,” replied the youth. The preacher said, “That spirit, too, is dead which feels no load of sin.” —Christian World. The Power of God “The preaching of the cross is to them that perish, foolishness; but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18). If Christians are commonplace in our day, may it not be because the gospel 21. 22.

One little hour for watching with the Master, Eternal years to walk with Him in white; One little hour to gravely meet disaster, Eternal years to reign with Him in light. One little hour to suffer scorn and losses, Eternal years beyond earth’s cruel frowns; One little hour to carry heavy crosses, Eternal years to wear unfading crowns. —Selected. 16. Unloading of Care “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7). There is a French translation of that word “casting.” It, uses the word “un­ load.” The French carts are so con­ structed that when they are filled with coal,' or stone, or sand, and it is neces­ sary to empty them, the driver just pulls out a pin, and with a little pres­ sure of the hand, the cart tips over and is emptied, and the horse goes away with a light step. Unload your care upon ^iim.—A. Lindsay Glegg. 17. “Be Ye Holy” “Ye shall be holy:, for I the Lord your God am holy” (Lev. 19:2). Why do w e . shun the very objective of Christian life, namely, that of be­ coming holy? Let us not be so foolish as to think of holiness only in terms of perverted and bigoted concepts and manifestations. , By holiness, we mean wholesomeness, health, purity, vitality, intrinsic genuineness. It means being empty of self and sin so that one may be filled with the radiant life of God. It means being in tune.—Alvin J. Lee. 18. A Crown for a Cross “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). There are no crown-wearers in heaven who were not cross-bearers here below. . . . Hast thou a -cross, believer? Shoulder it manfully! Up with it! Go along thy journey with unshrinking footsteps and a rejoicing heart, knowing that since it is Christ’s cross it must be an honor to carry it; and that while you are bearing it, you are in blessed company, for you are following Him. —Charles Haddon Spurgeon. 19. Availing Prayer “Q Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years” (Hab. 3:2). The world’s wounds can be healed only by the gospel, and the revival for which we all long will come only when God’s children learn to take thgir re­ sponsibility in a spiritual ministry of prayer for the overthrbw of the enemy in the world. It is not enough to Dray;

lowest Prices. Send for Ulustrated Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO Room 356 17Q1-1703 Chestnut Street. Philadelphian


Two Challenging Studies by Ruth Paxson Life on the Highest Plane An Exposition of God’s Plan of Redemption R. A. Torrey described these studies thus: "A remarkable book—one of the most satisfying I have ever read. A book not merely to be read, but to be studied and read again and again.” ' Three volumes: $1.50 vo l.; $4.50 per set The Wealth , W a lk and W arfare o f the Christian An Exposition of the Epistle to the Ephesians — the Grand Canyon of Scripture A missionary writes: “I do not know when I have read a book so full of inspiration, so elevating, and so full of real spiritual food.” Another mis­ sionary says: “A book such as this one you have written is a tonic to those who have allowed depression to invade their lives and who perhaps tend to forget what a glorious heritage we have in the unsearchable riches of Christ.” Price $1.50 Order from the author: MISS RUTH PAXSON 2! Lincoln Place Forth Plainfield, IT. J.

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