King's Business - 1941-04


T H S K I N O ' S BU S I N E S S

April, 1941

four, are four kings, which shall arise out of the earth” (v. 17). “The fourth beast (all of it, from tooth to tip of ■tail) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth” (v. 23)—even Rome. As for this beast, "it had ten horns. . . . And, behold, there came up among them an­ other little horn” (vs. 7, 8 ). The “little horn” belongs to the beast—exists only in connection with the Roman Empire. It gains dominion over the ten kings as they reign, but does not supplant them. And, even as he reigns, the Stone of Israel shall fall, and “the judgment shall sit, . . . And the kingdom and dominion, . . . under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High” (vs. 26, 27). “Hitherto is the end of the matter” (v. 28)! “The Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35)! The Ultimate Outcome Therefore, we conclude: Mussolini may collapse and pass away. His pro­ fessed “Roman Empire” may topple like a house of cards. The utterances of those persons who have set forth Mus­ solini and his “Empire” as a fulfillment of the Word of God may all prove to be wrong. But the unalterable purposes of God shall remain! The immutability -of His counsel shall be vindicated. In God’s own time, the Roman Empire shall arise from the dust in the form of ten kings swearing allegiance to one

MUSSOLINI AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE [Continued from Page 125]

The very earliest of the great Church Fathers almost universally located the Antichrist as arising just before the return of Christ; and with Tertullian (Res. and Apol,), they Identified the Antichrist as coming when the Roman Empire will be on the scene in a ten- kingdomed form. Those most famous of all the Church Fathers, Justin Martyr, Augustine, and Chrysostom, insisted that without the Roman Empire (and Antichrist as its final head) immediate­ ly preceding, Christ would not come. But we must forbear; for, after all, it is not so much what men, even the greatest of them, have believed and taught, as this: What saith the Word of the living God? Therefore, the second fact I wish to set forth—which in point of importance is really the first fact—is this, that the Scriptures themselves specifically de­ clare that the Roman Empire will be on the scene—the supreme political power on the earth—when the “Lion of the tribe of Juda” roars out of the opened heavens to bring to an end the sad misrule of the Gentiles. Remember, we are speaking now of the Scriptures’ clear assertions, not of man’s interpre­ tation of the meaning. This fact of the rise of the Roman Empire is so plainly set forth by the prophet Daniel, that it would seem to need no interpreter. There are some declarations that can admit of only one meaning. We may read for instance: “Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in Ford’s Theater.” The statement calls for no interpreta­ tion. It needs none. It is a simple dec­ laration of fact, to be accepted or re­ jected by him who reads. So it is with the statements of Daniel on the subject of the Roman Empire. “The times of the Gentiles,” revealed to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream, and in­ terpreted by Daniel, form the founda­ tion for all prophecy "dealing with the nations. In that dream, four great world-empires were seen—no more: Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome— .and Rome was the last. The utter ex­ tremity of the whole image was the ten toes. These ten toes, we are told, represent ten kings in a mighty feder­ ation under one head—the Roman Em­ pire in its final form. The “stone” (Christ) out from the heavens, fell upon these ten toes (ten kings), and they passed away. We read: “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed” (Dan. 2:44). There are the facts. Who can fail to under­ stand them ? Again there was a dream—this time Daniel’s (cf. Dan. 7). Daniel saw four »easts; “These great beasts, which are

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