April, 1941
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
supreme head—a mighty alliance, that shall be godless and. politically supreme upon the earth. And in God’s own time, the mighty Stone of Israel will come crashing down out of the heavens and grind that last mighty Gentile colossus to powder, and the moaning winds shall sweep it into oblivion. Then shall that Stone of Israel grow and fill the whole earth with justice, mercy, and right eousness, and the oppressor and oppres sion will flee away. Students of prophecy may have made mistakes in attempting to fit cer tain present-day events into the pro-
phetic mold. But they have not erred in declaring the immutable Word of God as to the ultimate restoration of the Roman Empire to tremendous power and earthly glory and its destruction by that greater power and glory flash ing forth from the heavens. However, may it not be that the critics of those who believe that the Roman Empire is even now awaking from its sleep, and that Mussolini is at least a portent—may it not be that the critics are a little premature in their criticism? It is to be regretted that men, knowing that ■■ “God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform,” permit our kaleidoscopic political arenas to cause them to doubt divine revela tion so easily. Only a year ago,; they doubted that Russia would take her predestined place as the mighty “king of the north,” according to Ezekiel’s great prophecy in Ezekiel 38 and 39. Was not the, tiny nation of Finland prov ing that the Russian Bear was just a big blunderbus ? We .know what hap pened since. And “little Greece” has been making Mussolini’s vaunted war riors look like a lot of tin soldiers. Im mediately, some individuals conclude that the war is over, and that the re cent loudly proclaimed approach of the rebirth of the Roman Empire has proved to, be a false conception. May it not be true wisdom to go a bit slowly, and to watch the progress of the present world struggle a little longer at least, bef.ore permitting as yet undetermined events to change opinions that appear, at least, to be based on the solid foun dation of God’s Word ? The Present-Day Situation And now may we be bold enough, in the midst of the storm and stress of hu man strife, to suggest some possibili ties, if not probabilities, to those who are trying to watch the mysterious hand of God moving on the stage of human tragedy in this awful hour? The Rome-Berlin Axis is not only an unnatural alliance, but it is an alliance that is nowhere seen in the prophetic pictures. Germany was never a part of the Roman Empire. On the other hand, Rome was the very heart of it. Before the Roman Empire reappears on the scene, the Rome-Berlin Axis must break. So l o n g as t h e Rome-Berlin Axis is flushed by victory, the union will con tinue. But defeat of either member of the Axis will mean another story. Hitler will not long be partner to-a loser. It is since Greece has hurled back the le gions of Mussolini in Albania, and Brit ain has hurled back his legions in Africa, that we have been hearing rumors of peace proposals between Italy and Brit ain, with possibly Spain as the inter mediary. Could this struggle not yet end with a defeated Germany rushing
to the protecting bosom of Russia; while Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, and other Mediterranean and old Roman nations ohall compose their differences and know no enemy save thè universally hated Russian Bear? Stranger things than this have happened. And this would be within the setting of the Scripture. Again, would not a victorious Rome- Berlin Axis mean the end of Mussolini’s dream of a resurrected Roman Empire? Who can believe that Hitler has any thing less than the thought of world dominion in his disordered brain ? A Caesar he would be! And- if he can crush Britain and her allies, will the new Caesar share the glory of world rule with the people south of Brenner Pass, whom he so despised until he had need of them? No! Rome would be Hitler’s next victim. If the Roman Em pire Mussolini has revived is to continue to exist at all, Hitler must be defeated. May not the present defeat of the Roman Empire yet prove to be its salvation? Once again, the careful student of the Word knows that the Roman Empire is not to reach the zenith of its glorious power until the “ten kings” shall “have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast” (Rev. 17:13). This is after the rapture of the church; therefore, it is not yet. Likewise, the Roman Empire is not to reappear as a victorious, all-powerful “beast” until after its head becomes the embodiment of Satan, energized by him. “And the dragon gave him his power, his seat, and great authority” (Rev. 13:2). This also is after the translation of the church. Therefore, neither Greece nor Britain is in combat with the all- powerful, Satanically energized Roman Empire yet to be. Here is food for thought. We read: “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast” (Rev. 13:3). Prophetic writers have been wont to apply this to the deadly wound the Roman Empire received from the thrust of the northern barbarian at the close of the fifth cen tury. But may this application not be wrong? May it not be that the Roman beast is even now by the sword of the Greek and the Briton, receiving a death wound ? Many so believe. Suppose Mus solini and (or) his Empire should sur vive this present wound, and, energized by Satan, suddenly should reverse the “reverse,” starting a march to world su premacy that none could stop? Then, verily, all the world would wonder after the beast (Rev. 13:3)! The present struggle is so complex, and so filled with uncertainties, and sd* fraught with tremendous possibilities that the wise will not be too hasty in forming definite opinions. In the mean time, the Word of God will stand, un shakable as Gibraltar’s rock!
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