King's Business - 1941-04

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


April, 1941

When the war is over, there will ¡be a peace treaty of sqme kind. The 'nature of that treaty will determine the course ahead. At that peace conference, is America to join in trying to build a hew world order ? THE SCRIPTURES AND STATES­ MANSHIP: • It is a serious mistake for any Christ­ ian to leave God out of his thinking about government. When you think about the future of your country, take God’s prophetic plan into consideration. Remember that the Scriptures cannot be broken; God’s record of prewritten history must be enacted. If you consider the question of build­ ing a “new world order” from the human standpoint, you will come to one conclusion. If you consider it from the Scriptural standpoint, you will come to another conclusion. We need the light of the Bible on our present national problems. Believers everywhere have the responsibility of interpreting current issues according to the Word of God. If you cherish thè blessed hope of our Lord’s return, you will think differently and live differently than if you do not. Some one once said that statesman­ ship is finding out in which direction God is going and then proceeding ahead of Him to remove the obstacles to His advance. It may be widely quoted, but that is ndt a good definition. No one ever proceeds ahead of God. He re­ moves obstacles from our pathway; we do not pave the way for His advance. In reality, statesmanship is following God, wherever He leads. Statesmanship is simply following God, in trust and obedience. America will take the right way, only if she follows God’s way. There can be no future without Christ. He is our future. In Him alone is stabil­ ity, security, and peace. No individual and no nation can rest unafraid unless the faith of that one is in Christ. -*

BECAUSE CHRIST LIVES! [ Continued from Page 129] of life, whom most of them have called “God,” so have they believed that death does not end human existence.- There is and always has been an inward con­ viction that these bodies shall put on immortality. The Christian thanks God for the explanation of it given by* Christ,' the Living Word, the Resurrection and the Life. For the greatest proof of man’s immortality is found in the resurrection o f . the Son of God, The empty tomb and the marvelous transformation of the disciples immediately after they had seen the risen Lord, added to the words of the' Redeemer, fill me with courage and confidence. They demonstrate that death does not end all; they assure me that I shall forever live with Him. 9. The resurrection supplies incon­ trovertible validity to the sacredness of human personality. It proves we are not mere pilgrims of time, but residents of eternity; not the lonely creatures of a day, thrown out into the abyss of infi­ nite space, but the inheritors of vast, everlasting estates in God’s universe. Such sureties as these throw a flood of light upon God’s redemptive work in Christ for the sinful hunian race. They satisfy the aspirations of our spirits; they glorify every virtuous impulse and stimulate each worthy desire and pur­ pose. They give spiritual strength and radiance to lofty service and link our lives to the plans and purposes of God. They girdle the grave with the rainbow of hope, and transform the shadow of bereavement into the sunlight of unfad­ ing glory. 10. The resurrection also gives us the guarantee of personal victory over sin. Since Christ has risen, we need not be the slaves of sin, nor subject to the bondage of Satan. It was because the resurrection power was operative in Paul that he could say: “I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." Because He is risen, we may walk in the newness of life, being more than conquerors over every known sin. That certainty gives reality to the proclamation of the gospel, substance to our faith, power to our witnessing, sincerity to our testimony, certainty to our. salvation, joy to life, success to service, and assurance of immqrtality. It puts the seal of authority on every claim of Christ, and guarantees the re­ alization of every Biblical hope that dwells in the soul of the believer. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEWS [ Continued from Page 124] a controversy raging over how immedi­ ate and emergency aid to Britain can best be delivered. Most'of the so-called isolationists favor helping England, while disagreeing over the means, and methods. But this deeper issue must be con­ sidered from a long-range standpoint.

GIFTS that honor CHRIST at Eastertide • Most appropriate gift at Easter— the Bible or New Testament. • Books for the Christian, with a message for children, young people and adults. • Easter Programs and Plays for Sunday School exercises and choir. • Easter Cards with Scripture Text. • Sunday School Supplies and Re­ gards. • Song Books—most complete selec­ tion in Los Angeles. Come in or send for catalogue. B E R E A N B O O K R O O M S 405 So. Hill St., Room 201 Los Angeles, California The Church Supply Houst of the West IF you W A N T MORE MONEY t Show the Newest “Sunshine Line" Greeting Cards for Birthday, Mother’s Day, Convalescent, Sympathy, etc, \ with and without Scripture texts. De Luxe $1-00 and SO* [ cent box assortments. Also beautiful “Sunshine" Krystal Plaques, Bibles, etc Every home a prospect Get money» making illustrated catalog. Write to the nearer office. TRIUMPHANTART PUBLISHERS Dept. No. T-4 Anderson, Indian« or TWii l iBh Califoftit« ] SCRIPTURE STATIONERY

Free Sample Packet To permit you to judge the fine quality of our low priced Scripture Stationery offer of 300 sheet's, 100 envelopes with printed verses, all beautifully

boxed—send name and 3c stamp for Free Sample Packet in blue covered portfolio. Free folders of our complete line of religious supplies also in­ cluded. Lowest prices. Write us Now! Polzin Press, 1702 W. Winona, Dept. 10, Chicago DIETZ C ommunion S ervice Individua l NOISELESS! Sendfor

FREE catalog—lowest prices on quality outfits. Interlocking cushioned traysof 36g!asses ,baseand cover. Also automaticfill­ er, Pastor’ssick* , communion set,

and collection plates, etc. "The House of • I accasand Things xor anarch end Sunday School." WILLIAM H. DIETZ, Deptl8-C10 S.Wabash,Chicago QLA3SSS THE SHADDUCK BOOKS Nine books by Dr. Shadduck are listed below. These books meet 5 great needs: Scientific accuracy, simple language, something young folk will read, unanswerable defense of the Bible, and low price. Hundreds of our- customers buy them in quantities at half price (see below) to loan or give away. The surprising fact is that 95% of the books We sell are bought' for th}s purpose. •“ DUST AND DEITY“ Scientific evidence of a personal God, obvious to anyone who observes living things. Has added chapters. .‘‘Tile Santa Claus of Biology,” ‘‘What I learned from a hen,” arid ‘‘•Her only child.” Just what you want to support' sagging faith. Many S. S. teachers order them for their classes. “ MISTAKES GOD DID NOT MAKE.” If interested in youth exposed to subversive teaching it will be YOUR MISTAKE if you do not put this book before them. Scientific proof of an intelligent Creator. Easy for an eighth grade pupil to understand. We know of no book so con­ vincing for so little money. Under sub-title, “Methuselah’s Funeral” is logic that “ stumps” critics. Teachers in High School use them in classes. “ SEVEN THUNDERS OF MILLENNIAL DAWN” Quotes from Russell Rutherford books to reveal the astonishing nonsense and false prophe­ cies of this cult now posing as God’s “Witnesses.” Forty years ago, Russell “ witnessed” that dead would rise in 1914 and “ Judge” Ruther­

ford postponed it till 1925. It will surprise you. A few copies loaned to neighbors will do much good. “ RASTUS AUGUSTUS EXPLAINS EVOLUTION” This was first pointed in S. 8. Times and there was demand for this reprinting. It is fun and philosophy in a setting of fiction. Rastus is colored janitor in a college. His efforts to convince his wife that she has “ evolved” -fill the book with Tiumoi\ Other books are “JOCKO-HOMO HEAVENBOUND,” “ PUDDLE TO PARADISE,” “ TOADSTOOL AMONG THE TOMBS,” “ ALIBI, LULLABY, BY-BY.” See our ad in last month’s issue. Any book sent postpaid for 2 dimes. If you will sell, loan, or give them away, we will'send 5 each of 2 kinds or ten books of one-kind for $1. .This is cash price, cost price, and no discount can be given /the trade. Why not send $2 for 20 books (five of each)' and keep a S. S. class busy for a month?'Send 2 dimes for 1 book or 4 dimes for 2 books and see. HOMO PUBLISHING COMPANY. ASHTABULA HARBOR, OHIO

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