King's Business - 1941-04

April, 1941

' THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


is ringing out to Christians everywhere today ? It may be in the privacy of one’s own chamber (Matt. 6 : 6 ) or in the hush of the believing assembly (Heb. 10:25) —but where there are hearts yearning after God and higher things, there is a sanctuary; there is a mount of God! Forty days with God on the mount! That is the Story of Moses, and no his­ torian writes the tale of that time of retirement. Some experiences cannot be recorded, cannot be discussed w i t h others. They must be known simply by the divine influences that later issue from the lives, that have been thus stirred. Men who have had Gethsemanes do not advertise them. They live them. We have so many windbags in pulpits today, so many who appear to be oftho- dox but merely skim the surface. Why are we so little used of God in spite of our fundamental beliefs? Is it not that By-Paths in the Bible Country By CHARLES A. S. DWIGHT The light of the varied customs of Bible lands has been ca$t upon more than one hundred “unfamiliar by-ways of Scripture,” thus making possible the “winnowing [of] all the grain” from the more hidden but none the less precious portions of the Word. Most of the expositions are a page in length. The book belongs on the reference shelf, within easy reach. 128 pages. Bible Insti­ tute Colportage Ass'n. Cloth. Price $1.00. Letting the Light of God Into the Hearts of Children BOOK I By HATTIE O. SHAFFER This manual for teachers of children’s classes deals briefly with the foundation truths of the Christian faith, preparation for later books in the series which will treat the Bible events more consecutively. The main headings of the eight lessons are: “God, the Trinity, and Creation,” “The Word Was Made Flesh,” “The Person, and Work of the Son of God,” “A Ransom for All,” “I Am the Resurrection and the Life,” “The Resurrected Messiah Exalted,” and “When the Comforter Came.” At the be­ ginning of the book, directions are given for the construction of the Pictograph Board, a device whieh is finding widespread use in children’s work, and each lesson contains instructions for the usé or the visual aid material. 32 pages. Biblical Research So­ ciety. Paper. Price 25 cents. Easter Lilies By J. HAROLD GWYNNE This volume of eleven messages is a se­ quel to the author’s Passion Flowers, which dealt with the ministry of Christ’s suffering. It sets forth vividly some of the choice spiritual lessons that are to be found in the resurrection appearances of our Lord. Each message is rich in meaning. Choice bits of poetry and illustrations are interwoven. For the minister or teacher, as well as for the lay reader, this collection of messages will provide inspiration and joy. 142 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. South on Silver Wings By RUTH P. OVERHOLTZER This “Christian Travel Book” for boys and girls is the story about the twins, Juan and Juanita, who went on a trip with their father and mother to visit mission stations in Cen­ tral and South American countries. Travel­ ling by plane, train, bus, and automobile, they had adventures in ' countries among people whose customs were strange and new

God speaks only through those who come up into the mount with Him? There must be seasons of disappear­ ance and reappearance. Men of action should be mountain men. Men mighty in the use of words for God must be men of prolonged meditation in the Word itself. Too much with people—not enough with Christ! Too much running around in circles—not enough sitting at His feet! That is the story of our powerless­ ness. “There are so many, many cares; So much, so very much to do. There is so little time for prayers; So many duties to go through. Oh, hear the Spirit softly say: “Take time to pray! Take time to pray!’ —Keith L. Brooks. to them. Best of all, they enjoyed seeing the children of these lands who had come to love the Lord Jesus, and they went home to pray more for the little ones who are still waiting to hear about the Saviour. The book is suited to older Junior-age children. 128 pages. Child Evangelism Fellowship. Paper. Price $1.00. A pictorial outline map of the regions visited by the twins is furnished separately, for classroom use. Size 28x36 inches. Price 50 cents. A booklet, “Teacher’s Missionary Manual,” based on the story of the twins' journey, contains planned missionary lessons for boys and girls. 61 pages. Paper. Price 40 cents. Price of the three items above mentioned, when purchased together, $1.50. God’s New Creation or Sermons for Special Occasions By WM, SHELDON BOWDEN “God's New Creation” is the first of the twenty-one meditations contained in this volume. Other special occasions to which space has been devoted are: Palm Sunday, Easter, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Wed­ ding, Communion Sunday, Labor Day, Arm­ istice Da^, and a number of other high .days of the church and national calendar. The messages have come from the actual pulpit ministry of the author. They are true to the Word, plentifully interspersed with Scripture quotations, and frequently hold a fresh approach to a long-familiar subject. 176 pages. Light and Hope Publications. Cloth. Price $1.00. “And in Samaria” By MILDRED W. SPAIN To almost every Biblerloving Christian, the name of C. I. Scofield is familiar. That name is prominent in this informative and spiritual account of fifty years of ministry of the Central American Mission. Dr. Sco­ field exerted “his massive influence”, in opening large sections of Central America to the gospel. The book is the record—condensed as it must be—of a half century of triumphs of faith. Its facts are clearly set forth, so that, as a study book for the individual or the group, it is to be commended. Illustrations and. carefully^ executed maps are numerous. Having a background of twenty-three years connected with administrative phases of the Central American Mission, the author has written of—the work as a whole with accura­ cy and with interest, in the evident power of the One who said: “Go ye . , and preach the gosp# . . . in Samaria.” 268 pages. The Central American Mission. Cloth. Price $1.5


National TractWeek Will i e observed the week preceding Easter, April 6-13, by churches and religious organizations of all denominations throughout the coun­ try. Local tie-in is provided by the above poster and educational pamphlets avail­ able to clergymen free of charge from Christian Workers Foundation, 20 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. AROUND THE KING’ S TABLE f Continued from Page 124] transactions of the kingdom were going on. “Moses alone shall come nëar the Lord,’’ we read in Exodus 24:2. Others could “not come nigh.” And alas, how true it is today! Few are capable of get­ ting . to the summits with God. There are those who are willing to put forth the effort to get to the hilltops because they appreciate the larger vision. The great mass of Christians remain on the lower levels, and some of them sing about “higher ground” as they grope in the gulleys. “Come up to me into the’ mount” ! Is that not the call that as never before A Worthy Investment MULTNOMAH SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE 1nterdenominational— Evangelistic 70S N. E. Multnomah Portland, Oregon Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe, President Rev. John G. Mitchell, Vice-President Rev. Simon E. Forsberg, Dean Standard Three-Year Courses

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Intensive Bible Instruction Write for School Bulletin

"HIGHWAYS AND HEDGES” EVANGELISM Need great, laborers few. 6 decisions for Christ, C.C.C. camp; 5, Ozark auto camp. Faith work. Prayer - and funds needed (Matt, 20:6; 22:9). F. L. Robert­ son, Evangelist, 40 Cypress Ave., Los Gatos, Calif.

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