T H E K IN G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April, 1941
Calvary By ROBERT G. LEE
Five Interesting Bible Games , THE GAME pF • BIBLE LOTTO BIBLE QUOnO' BIBLE RHYMES BIBLE TRAITS BIBLE BOOKS A Popularand Successful Method of Imparting Bible Knowledge to Groups of Boys and Girls, Youths, andMenand Women, or Mixed Groupsof All Ages. ^
The two messages"of this booklet, “ Cal vary’' and “What He Was Made,” are re printed from “Winona Echoes,” 1939. The former study is a meditation on the cross and its centrality in the divine plan. The' latter; deals with four things which Christ •was made! “Made Flesh,” “Made a Curse,” “Made Sin,” and “Made Alive.” The lan guage is beautiful, almost poetic, and the author shows deep insight into the heart of the truths he presents. 22 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Paper. Price 25 cents. Do Not Sin Against the Cross By S. J. REID An earlier volume by Dr. Reid, entitled Seven Windows, delighted readers who came upon it last year, when in search of medita tions for the Easter season. This second book, also centering in the cross of Christ, i£ a cheering and stabilizing message for a world of unrest. It amplifies the thought that “apart from, God and the cross of Christ, man has no power to make a new and better world. . . . The cross has not failed in these dangerous days.” There are fifteen chapters, each one beginning with the words “The Cross. . . The relation of the cross to Christ Himself, to God, to the church, to the Christian, to sin, to redemp tion, to human failure, and to victorious resurrection is clearly shown. 150 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . The Whirlwind By ETHEL HUBLER v The title of this temperance booklet by the editor of the National Voice is taken from Hosea 8:7. The book is a stirring ap peal to the Christians of América to enlist in the cause of temperance both by prayer and by work. It is interestingly written, full of facts and stories and some statistics illustrating the terrific effect the répeal of the Eighteenth Amendment has had oh 'Amer ica. 48 pages. The National Voice. Paper.- Price 25 cents. Marvel Mantel By GEORGE H. DOWKONTT , The Fulton Street Noon Prayer Meeting, established in -New York in 1857 and con tinuing to the present day, has been the scene of many remarkable answers to prayer. George H. Dowkontt, like his. father before him, has been closely identified with this work. In the present volume, Dr. Dowkontt has recalled striking instances of
BIBLE LOTTO FORTHREETÔHFTEENpLŸERS É l BIBLEINCIDENTS, V**'"*; CHARACTERS, C mhum I FACTS&PLACES a K f ® Are celled for in the- process of this interesting gamo fiiUc T—Étomf OrAriurtm L AcOaltstÇift
AN ENJOYABLE PASTIME FOR THE HOME - 3 to 15 May Play. Simple Rules Prevail., Attractively Box ed. Price, 50c each, 60c postpaid. We pay postage when all 5 games are ordered. Send for Descriptive Circular. GOODENOUGH & WOGLOM CO. 3 * BROADWAY BOX 20 NEW YORK, N. Y. Cborch and Sawfay School Ssppfces of et«ry dtscriptiea Mac« IMS.
SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS AND ALL CHRISTIANS YOU ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR CHOICE LINE OF SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE ARE NOW SHOWING BEAUTIFUL EASTER FOLDERS AND EASTER CROSSES WITH RESURRECTION VERSES GRACE AND TRUTH BIBLE STORE 32 No. Garfield Ave. Alhambra, Calif. > Share Your Easter Joy with the evangelists, refugees, orphans in the war zones. Their tear-stained faces are turned toward you for cheer and comfort. They are asking only for the extreme necessities of -life. Money still goes through, but we need all pos sible co-operation of God’s’ people in our work of love. Send us what you can to make their Easter bright. The Russian Missionary Society, Inc. Rev. F. J . Miles, International Secretary 1844 W. Monroe St., Room 2, Chicago, III. Magazine “Russian Millions” sent free on request. use of war and the reason for it. His is a well-writte. book and of great interest. One may not agree with the author on all points, .but the reader will find much to think about, 119 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. THE JOHN C. WINSTON CO., 229 WIN- ston Bldg., Philadelphia. Page 158. BOOK MARKS B E A U T I F U L CROSS SHAPED CRO- cheted book marks. Red, orchid, white. 2 for 25c silver. F. Hall, 87 Filmore St., Phil- lipsburg, New Jersey. BOOK STORES BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 SO. HOPE ST., Los' Angeles, Calif. .Page 156. __________ . ' f§ ATTENTION! MINISTERS! WE BUY, sell, and exchange theological, books. Send for our catalogs of new and used religious books and sets. KREGEL’S BOOKSTORE, 525 Eastern. Grand Rapids, Mich.____ N t h e R e l ig io u s b o o k s h o p , 352 s. Spring St., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 162. , - WESTERN BOOK AND TRACT COMPANY (Oakland's leading Bible house), 1719 Frank lin St., Oakland, Calif. Dr, H. A. Ironside, President. Christian literature. Send for our catalogs and receive free booklet, also. CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS DeMOULjN BROS. & CO., 1Ï26 S. 4TH ST., Greenville, 111. Page 157. +
God’s goodness as they have been related to his own life and the lives of others. Because the stories are true, they are a stimulation to faith. 160 pages. Loizeaux Bros. Cloth. Price $1.00." The Eleventh “ Hour” By ARTHUR I. ’BROWN Although recent world events have been kaleidoscopic, the vortex of the whirlwind has been moving rapidly toward the land of the Book. Dr. Brown synchronizes the world and the Word, and seeks to prepare one for .the twelfth hour which he vividly portrays as being at hand. 159 pages. Funda mental Truth Publishers. Paper.,; Price 75 cents. The book contains well-written stories circulatory among the Palestinian rural and city people concerning animals, •trees, plants, and magic with its cures. There is granted insight into both the Arabian and Jewish mind. 103 pages^ Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Christian Attitude Toward War By LORAINE BOETTNER In this book, the subject of war is studied from several angles : “War in the Old Testa ment,” “In the New Testament,” “War Caused by Sin,” ‘‘America Not’ a Militaristic Nation,” “Compulsory Military Training,” “War As à Judgment on Nations.” •Dr. Boettrier takes the reader through the Bible; showing what he.believes to be God’s The Folklore of Palestine By BARBARA M. BOWEN TRIUMPHANT ART PUBLISHERS, AN- derson, Ind., or Sacramento, Calif. Page 165. a n n u i t i e s ______________ AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, BIBLE House,. New York, N. Y. Inside front cover. BANKING (SAVINGS) EQUITABLE 7 PLAN COMPANY, 704 S. Spring: St., .Los Angeles. Calif. Page 150. BIBLE BINDING GRACE WHIDDEN 1940 B È R M U D A } Long Beàç'h.: Calif. Page 157. - _ BIBLE GAMES GOODENGUGP 6c WOGLOM CO., 296 Broadway. New .York, N. Y. Page 167. FAIVRE ' ANNOTATED NEW TES.TA- ment, English, 35- cts. ; French. German, 45 cts. ; bound copies, 6$ cts. ; Chinese, 40 cts. A. G-ih,; sponsor ; Alice Fcntannaz, 506 Oak dale. Avenue, Chicago. 111. .: . BIBLES o x f o r d U n iv e r s it y p r e s s , 114 f if t h Ave., New York. Page 145.
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If Paid In Advance
Price $18.00 24.00 48.00
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AGENTS WANTED H. L. DeVALL, 52 WOODBRIDGE AVE., New Brunswick, N. J._ Page 150. GEORGE W., NOBLE, MONON BLDG., Chicago. 111;. Page 144. ORIENTAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 90Ö N Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Page 157. GIVEN FREE—A TESTAMENT OR BIBLE for selling Scripture Stationery for us. Sam ples free. Providence Press, 1218 Virginia, Sioux City, Iowa. E. V PUBLISHING^ HOUSE, 301-305 N. Elm St., Nappanee, Ind. Page 143.. ' ROLL OF HONOR BIBLE CLUB, DEPT. 603, 1211 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Page 142. JQHN RUDIN & COMPANY, INC., 1018 South Wabash Ave., Chicago,1111. Page 158.
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