Develop musical talent and appreciation while acquiring a Liberal Arts education.
Prepare for professional or teaching position by earning a Bachelor o f Arts degree with a major in music.
Equip yourself for useful full-time service in the ministry o f music.
w ith no addùóicrnaJ
above regular academic tuition for private instruction in voice, piano, violin, pipe organ, or speech.
Located in the beautiful Tennessee Valley section of the Old South, Bob Jones College is fully accredited as a four~year institution by the Department of Education of the State of Tennessee. Credits are accepted by leading graduate schools in all sections of the country.
Bob Jones College strictly limits its attendance to carefully selected students from the best homes in all sections of America and many foreign countries.
Bob Jones College believes that cultural training and de velopment o f talent should go hand in hand with a deep, per sonal Christian experience and should be colored by a Christian philosophy o f life. Bob Jones College is a Liberal Arts College, and the wide variety of courses offered includes: four-year college course . . . four-year high school course . . . four-year secondary teachers course . . . two-year and four-year elementary teachers course . . . one-year business and secretarial course.
Address inquiries to Dr. Bob Jones, Jr., Acting President
Bob Jones College
Cleveland, Tennessee
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