Read For Free - The Racing Pigeon 29th September 2023



Around the North East WITH BARRY PEARCE

followed by those two Lilley & Son arrivals followed by another Hartlepool timer, Mr & Mrs Brian Noble and then it was back to Horden EEHS to find that clubs winner at 9th Section, Marl Lauderdale & Partners with Blackhall’s Gorton & Son at 10th. First to 20th section 1461 to 1335ypm. The Redcar HS were part of the last liber- ation, a send of 8/226, and it was Paul Burniston & Family that take their first 1st since moving back to the Warrenby allot- ments, a clear winning Ceusters bred from their stock birds taking 1st Club and 1st North Yorks Fed on 1459ypm from 559 birds. Pleased to see a long time friend of mine Mark Walton going well at this race, 1st Guisborough HS, 2nd Fed, ‘Wally’ as he’s better known when flying on the allotments with his father Jim were great competitors, 1st UNC’s being won, and now as Kate & Mark Walton, Katie being his daughter, still got the know how. Back to Redcar HS, and It was the Withers, Hobson & Gent with the next two, the lads first one on 1403, then it was Hall, Walton & Baldwin at 4th, they won the fiver nom as well, and the winners were back for 5th Club. The Eaglescliffe HS another of the last group with Tees Valley Fed saw just a 3/59 send, and it was Phil Armstrong getting a blue cock quite some way clear of the Alan Armstrong in-form loft, no relation by the way. Alan took the next few places with his Les Killick and Border lofts YB’s, but like a lot he struggled on the day, but thankfully got a few back on the Monday. The first six were on the Fed result sheet, the winner at 5th, 2nd at 6th and Alan had another four on the sheet, but all were well spread out. Middlesbrough HS saw just 40 being sent, but it was quality rather than

Michael and their daughters Alex and Toni we spent in Amble, it really is a magical place to live in and to visit, so bucket list BP! I'm sure Brenda Blethyn who plays DCI Vera Stanhope in the TV series Vera which is filmed all around this area loved the area so much than rather than travel back and forwards to Kent, she rented a place in Northumberland as she was absolutely ‘stunned’ by the beauty of the area, as she had never been there before. Anyway, we loved it! Onto Hartlepool Feds result, the last liber- ation which was at 11.10am and these poor buggers will have been well and truly ‘off their heads’ after hitting the front and side of the 15 Rossett Walk, Park End, M’Bro, Cleveland, TS3 7LX

and the last, a chequer cock. P & M Stout were 2nd at HHS and 2nd Fed on 1372ypm, and the same club had the next three with Edwin Pomfret, Neil Pratt and Blythyn & Cairns getting them. The Wingate HS was won by Chris Robson for 6th Fed then Billy Wilkinson takes 7th Fed with HHS. The Trimdon Grange HS winner was with the John Rayner & Son loft for 8th Fed, and 9th saw the Thompson, Son & Clarke Thornley HS, with Edwin Pomfret getting two more for 10th & 11th Fed. The Thornley HS full result was from a 204 send, Thompson & Partners 1st, Luke & Son 2nd & 4th and Gwen Holden and Bobby Mitchell 3rd and there’s nearly a 40 minutes gap between those four pigeons!

I’m starting this weeks article on September 4th, a Monday morning, 24 hours or so after the UNC flew from Chelmsford, and judging by the results I already have plus the posts on the good old social media, it was a disaster. Before I start with the results, must thank John Wright from Hull for getting one of my awol’s back to me via Guisborough club Secretary Allan Stevenson. Sent on the North Road wagon to Berwick which called into Guisborough to pick the clubs birds up, job done so thank you guys. Happy 65th birthday to a long time friend of mine Steve Wheatley, so mind how you go mate when you go to the post office for your OAP pension, there’s some dodgy charac-

UNC SECTION 4 Grantham YB 4,263 birds

quantity as Keith Hodge and Dennis Potter had a chequer hen away to do 1437ypm which topped the Teesside fed, and they weren’t done there as they had the next two in the club which took 18th & 19th Fed, with Wellburn & Sons 4th for 20th Fed. The GYA were at Huntingdon on the Saturday, and were given the all clear by I/C Harry Wright to liberate at 9.50am, about 35 minutes after The Durham Combine at the same race point. I’ve heard different reports of how the DC faired, so that’s all I’ll say about that, but the Middlesbrough HS with a 5/85 went really well, making good times and with good returns, as I’ll now tell you about. Those ‘Crooks’ lads, Alan and Liam are certainly showing us all how it should be done, for Alan flying to his own place yet again has another top day with the first three, 1441 (2) & 1440, and Liam sending a canny few after he stopped them because of ‘fat eye’, taking the next seven places shown, all more or less together. I sent 13, was expecting them a bit later than when they began arriving, so although I had the ETS set up, I was sat sunbathing, when a blue pied hen shot over my house roof, off the back and then proceeded to ‘dance awhile’. Even when I finally got her to land and trap, I had another one that messed about, so until I got him down, I then had another three going round, and when the second trapped, it was then I checked my clock to find the first one hadn’t registered. So all in all, it was a day to 2143.475 2 Graham, Gilchrist & Brennan 2143.306 3 K & T Seales 2131.372 4 N Davison 2126.30 5 Woodfoffe Bros 2126.189 6 F Yannetta 2126.28 7 Soderlund & Maddison 2126.10 8 Moore & Sword 2124.96 9 N Davison 2124.79 10 T & J Thompson 2123.796 1 Woodfoffe Bros

Steve Wheatley and BP.

Ray Hulme 1st Fed. Photo taken some years ago when we were up at Amble.

baskets as each of the four liberations before them went up. Drinking will have been far from their minds, just trying to get out tha’s all they will have been thinking about. Now it was 24/388 send figure, distances being 210/215 miles, it was well over a four hour fly and from top to bottom of the 30 positions shows there is nearly a 200ypm drop and well over a hour and a half timing between them, so say no more BP. Bobby Smith’s chequer cock on 1430ypm to win Hartlepool Supporters was to stop two GB rung arrivals of Mick & Michael Lilley Hartlepool HS taking the top two, and they had another similar numbers two GB rung ones at 5th & 9th Fed, and I’m pretty sure I know where these came from, or am I wrong Mick? Mr & Mrs Brian Noble were 2nd Club, 4th Fed with their HSHS timer. The Fed Secretary Dave Geach, brother Tom, Wayne McKenna and Dixie Chapman win at Owton Manor HS for 6th Fed and the Mr & Mrs Duncan HSHS team got three fairly quick ones to take 7th, 8th & 10th Fed. The Bell Vue HS was won by Colin Ashby and Turville with Stranton HS falling to Terry Atkinson, 11th and 22nd Fed for those two. The winner did 1430, the 30th did 1238, ouch! It was a combined total of 1,174 with South East Durham Fed, and although I’m not to sure, the top loft of Jimmy Richardson with Horden HS/SED Fed's 1461yopm winning velocity will be hard to beat anywhere. Mind you when most were struggling Jimmy had further timings at 3rd, 4th, 12th & 16th Section, so apart from his returns which I’m not sure about, that’s a pretty good days work for this former 1st UNC winning loft. Marr Bros with Easington HS are 1st Club, 2nd Fed on 1449ypm, and after the foremen- tion arrivals of JR, it was Bobby Smith with his Hartlepool Fed winner at 5th Section

Group 1 included 395 of Coquetdale Feds finest, up at 9.50am with about 260 to 275 miles in front of them on what by now was a very warm day. The Amble HS loft of Ray & Leslie Hulme have been going well all season with both OB’s and YB’s. This loft that I visited quite some time ago, saw home a blue hen after nearly five and half hours to do 1405ypm which was to win the club and to top the Fed, and they had another two fairly close up which gave them 6th & 7th Fed. At 1st & 2nd Chevington Drift HS we had Simpson & Son, a loft that I’m reasonably sure I visited back in 2000 after the topped the UNC from Beauvais. Anyway, they have been creeping ever closer to the top of this competitive club in recent weeks, so on 1402 & 1379ypm with two young cocks they get the first two and 2nd & 3rd Fed. It was the second decimal place that secured them that 2nd Club spot, for John Mallan and John Mowbray had a chequer cock to take 3rd CDHS and 4th Fed. J Moore, John I believe, has like the winners of CDHS been there- abouts of late, and he’s in again at 5th Fed on 1377ypm. Further up country, in fact the furthest flying member in this Fed, Adam Nichols flying 277 miles with Alnwick HS, he gets two blue cocks together after just over six hours flying time to take 1st & 2nd Club, 8th & 9th Fed with the Murphy & Son team close up 3rd Club, 10th Fed. It more of the same with the above lofts getting further arrivals in the top 20 odd or so of the Fed. Alnmouth HS was represented as well, Trevor Shell winning it from Malcolm Straughan. This area of Northumberland is one of my favourites, as I’ve been there as a guest of clubs and Feds, visited quite a few UNC winning lofts there. Myself and Shirley have also gone their on holiday, our 30th wedding anniversary along with Gina,

ters about in Whinney Banks, don’t get mugged for your pension, lol. Right, Chelmsford results, which was flown on Sunday as a holdover was declared on Saturday due to the weather not improving quick enough on the Saturday to get the five groups away, and five groups at a 200 plus miles race. Mid Tyne, third to go at 10.30am, a light easterly turning to a SW and very warm which will not have helped YB’s sitting in a wagon from Friday until liberation. John Wilkie this Feds excellent Secretary informs me that there was a 7/308 send with Boldon HS a 3/34 send with Hebburn and a 4/24 send with Jarrow HS and when the clocks were struck, there was just 48 back in BHS, two in Hebburn HS and no arrivals at all with Jarrow AHS. Anyway, with a chequer pied hen that was paired to a Fantail and was feeding a newly hatched chick, we have Ian Graham, the late Brian Gilchrist and Willie Brennan winning BHS and topping the Fed on a 1377ypm velocity, and they had others at 7th & 8th Fed but nine minutes after the winner, not what usually happens with this loft, certainly not in a YB race. The nearby Miller Bros & Kyle faired a little bit better getting three hens to take 2nd, 3rd & 4th Club and Fed, the first on 1371 about a minute or so after the winner, but then it was four minutes before they got the next two and they had one at 9th Fed 11 minutes after their first. John Walker & Partners showing up well again takes 5th, 6th & 10th Club and Fed. At Hebburn it was I & D Nelson who got the winner for 12th Fed, nothing to JAHS. Now to Shotton and Trimdon, fourth up at 10.50am and the good Haswell HS partner- ship of Mr & Mrs Davie Baxter has three on the result, 1st, 12th & 20th, 1394ypm, 1272ypm & 1231ypm and there was a 38 minutes gap between the first a blue cock

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