Teaching & Learning at Christ's College

The New Zealand Curriculum

All courses at Christ’s College are based on the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC). We expose boys to all NZC learning areas and have selected key achievement objectives from the national curriculum document that guide our subject development.

As an independent school, Christ’s College takes the best of NZC and extends our teaching to include aspects that support our special character. Our primary qualification framework, NCEA, provides our students with every opportunity to access the best tertiary and other post-school pathways, both in New Zealand and internationally. Christ’s College is committed to developing NZC key competencies through all our programmes and across all year levels.

The capacity to think critically and creatively, to deal effectively with diversity and change, to relate to others and to be active global citizens are the enduring competencies of the Christ’s College Graduate. The Centre for Teaching Excellence & Research ensures curriculum alignment across all year groups (Years 9–13), and enables the consistent development of these competencies.

16 Teaching & Learning at Christ’s College

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