Teaching & Learning at Christ's College

Wellbeing and character education

MINDfit and MANifesto Our targeted MINDfit and MANifesto programmes – delivered through College’s Centre for Wellbeing & Positive Education – help guide boys through the transition from adolescence to being young men of good character. They provide the tools to manage personal health and wellbeing, build strong relationships and grow in positivity and resilience in order to flourish. Created to complement classroom programmes and delivered by College staff and external experts, MINDfit and MANifesto target the needs of boys at each year level. In Years 9–11, MINDfit addresses a range of issues, covering social and emotional intelligence, respect and responsibility, relationships, mental health and the development of a personal growth mindset. MINDfit encourages boys to develop their self-awareness and identity while constantly considering what it means to become a virtuous young man. In Years 12–13, MANifesto helps prepare senior students for their next stage in life – moving from boys to young men. It digs deeper into enhancing character strengths and the importance of developing mindfulness while highlighting the value of identity. The programme also focuses on consent and relationships, drugs and alcohol, social media and the digital footprint while constantly addressing concerns in a socially responsible manner.

As part of our commitment to holistic education, wellbeing and character education is built into our timetable. The Wellbeing Team develops and supports the delivery of a curriculum designed to equip boys with the skills to thrive both academically and personally. The wellbeing curriculum focuses on: • Character strengths and how to use these • Strategies for resilience • Growth mindset and triggers for fixed thinking • Balancing demands and managing stress • Sleep habits and their impact on wellbeing.

22 Teaching & Learning at Christ’s College

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