The rennie ambassador program guide & faq

frequently asked questions

HOW DO I APPLY TO BE PART OF THE PROGRAM? An email will be sent to you with a link to an online application. You will be required to fill out and submit the application within 2-weeks of receiving it. WHO WILL BENEFIT FROM THE RENNIE AMBASSADOR PROGRAM? Ideally an advisor who is looking to grow their resale portfolio (you are currently in the 1-10 ends range per year and want to increase your ends by 2-3 per year); independent and motivated to drive your learning(s) from the program. CAN MY AMBASSADOR HELP ME WITH DAY-TODAY TRANSACTIONS & CONTRACT WRITING? No; the ambassadors are here to support your career development through the goals you have set as part of this program and challenge you to look deeply at your business. For transaction and contract-related questions, please contact Justine Loo at or Gerald Soong at CAN I SIGN UP FOR THE RENNIE AMBASSADOR PROGRAM AT ANY TIME DURING THE YEAR? No; registrations take place semi-annually in Fall and Spring. Applications begin two months before the start of the program. DOES IT COST ME ANYTHING TO PARTICIPATE? No; there is no financial obligation but there is a time commitment requirement. This program is designed to help support you in your real estate career and grow your business. HOW MUCH TIME COMMITMENT IS REQUIRED? The program will require up to 10 hours per month for personal development sessions, learning activities, and meeting with your ambassador. You are encouraged to set S.M.A.R.T. goals at the start of the program and complete the activities in the workbook to help you achieve your goals and objectives. The most success will come from the time you spend in the market completing the suggested activities. What you put in, you take out.

HOW LONG IS THE PROGRAM? The program term is 6-months.

WHO CAN I CONTACT TO LEARN MORE? As we receive more questions, we will continuously update this document as it’s a work-in-progress. If you see anything that’s not answered in this document or have any questions, please email us at


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