Y13 Bulletin 27.09.24


Year 13 have been busy finalising their UCAS choices and redrafting their personal statements. I have been really impressed with how many students have sought advice from teachers during the process and have taken on feedback in order to improve their statements. We recognise this can be a daunting task, if students are still unsure of what course they want to do or the options that are available to them, then they should speak to myself or a member of staff as soon as possible. A reminder that the early entry deadline for the universities of Oxford and Cambridge and most dentistry, medi- cine or veterinary science applications is the 15th October. Rebecca Cabras represented Year 13 in the school choir over the weekend in the Music department’s trip to Gothenburg. I have heard that everyone had a wonderful time singing and visiting various locations all over the city! On Friday 4th of October we have our Macmillan coffee morning cake sale. Macmillan’s Coffee Morning is one of the biggest fundraising events to support people living with cancer. Last year Waldegrave raised £964.18 in support of the charity. Students are encouraged to bake nut free cakes at home and bring these into school next Friday to sell at the coffee morning. They should also bring in some cash if they want to buy cakes on the day and help us raise money for this great cause!

Waldegrave is hosting our first ever Wildlife Photography Competition and we would love to see some entries from our Sixth Form students. Please see the advert further in the bulletin for more details.

Year 13 mocks begin on the 18th November for one week. Students should be preparing for these now and ensuring they are aware of the content for each subject. If you have any questions about this then please do not hesitate to get in contact.



‘The old man and the sea’- Ernest Hemingway

A beautiful tale of a fisherman’s extremely challenging journey through the gulf stream, with a burning desire to catch what he has never been able to previously. The emotive effects of isolation and the physical toll chasing your dreams can take become more and more prevalent throughout. Hemingway masterfully combines carefully crafted and peaceful imagery of the sea with immense mental torment, as well as taking readers on a journey regarding the emptiness we may feel once our goals have been achieved, and perhaps don’t bring the fulfilment we dreamt of, we always wish for more.

~ Zara

WALDEGRAVE RECRUITMENT We are currently recruiting for Exam Invigilators to assist with the conduct and supervision of the School’s public examinations. If you are interested in joining our team, please contact Shelli Fong, Exams Officer, for an applica- tion form exams@waldegravesch.org

See full job description here: Exam Invigilator - Job Description

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