minimize your experiences. But no matter what it was, no mat- ter how bad it was, you need to get disgusted enough with the old limiting story to take the steps that help you replace it with a new story.
LOOK FOR THE GOOD IN EVERY STORY Now let’s start the process of flipping that limiting story to an empowering, limitless one. When you change parts of the story, your narrative begins to improve. Let me share my own experience of how this is so. I was deemed “stupid” in school, and it certainly hurt a lot, causing me pain and setbacks for years. Or so I thought. As I’ve noted, I suffered from dyslexia and struggled to read because of it. Back then, teachers and other kids called me stu- pid because of my reading problems (I didn’t attend a politically correct school). But without realizing it, not being able to read like the other kids taught me how to be good visually and aural- ly; I figured out how to learn by watching and listening. These are skills many of the other kids probably never developed, and if they did, it took them a lot longer than it did me. This is why I can stand up on stage for hours and speak without a teleprompt- er or a script. My childhood dyslexia taught me to be able to communicate in a really simple, straightforward way. Even if the content is really complicated, when I teach it, it comes out easy to understand because that’s the way I think. And I know that’s one of the reasons my message resonates with millions of people from all different walks of life. So what is something good that came out of your story? What is something that you once thought was an obstacle in your life, but in fact created skills that have made you who you are today? Maybe you were cheated on in a relationship and at the time it seemed like the end of the world, but now you are with the best partner possible because you’ve learned what kind of love you deserve. Maybe you got fired from a job once and it made you feel like you weren’t good enough, but it was that
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