The Power of Your Story
event that allowed you to spend more time on yourself and get in the best shape of your life mentally and physically. Find the good that can come from your story and start changing it into an empowering story. Remember the words of Tony Robbins: “What if life happens for us, not to us.” When he shared that with me, the last 10 percent of the old stories I was holding on to about my family disappeared. If that hadn’t happened for me, I wouldn’t be right here, right now. So those supposedly bad stories were just part of a bigger plan creating and forming my character. Look back at your story with this “find the good” perspective, and those old stories start losing their power fast. TIME TO SHIFT YOUR STORY Imagine you’re in a house full of old memories from your life, and some are good memories, but others are those nega- tive stories that remind you of bad things that happened in the past. Now imagine that the house is on fire, and you have a tiny suitcase in your hands and only a minute to save some of those memories. In order to reach that next level of success in life, you must choose to pack only the memories and the stories that serve you going forward. If it’s a negative memory that weighs on your heart or mind, let it burn up in the fire. Only carry out with you those things that will help you make the best life possi- ble. Remember, the past only lives inside you. You have to think of the past as research and development. It is there to learn from and develop your better self. If the past haunts you, holds you back, or doesn’t serve your grander future, then let that memory burn up in the fire. In The Power of Now , Eckhart Tolle says that yesterday is the past, and we can’t change it. Tomorrow is a movie in our head that’s not even filmed yet. And we only have this moment! So why carry all that heaviness of the past when you can let it go forever?
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