Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


your best you, the one designed by God that made you spe- cial, limitless, and the one who needs to be in charge of your life. When you awaken your inner hero—and, yes, we all have one—you will open your world up to new opportunities and amazing levels of abundance and joy. As I explain the best way to activate your inner hero, don’t forget its opposite, the inner villain. As you have learned by now, the villain fights against your growth and does all it can to rob you of your confidence, trying to prevent you from developing and anchoring new success habits. If the villain doesn’t work hard to be in control, it will have to bow out and let the inner hero take over. The villain doesn’t want to lose its power over you. The way the villain works is by telling or, better yet, reminding you of an old, disempowering story and trying to sabotage your subconscious so you can’t create a better story. Yet by the time this chapter is over, you will have the tools and the clarity to let the best you guide your thoughts, happiness, and abundance. Recall the definitions: When the inner hero runs your life, you are filled with confidence and optimism, and are a solu- tions-focused person. When the villain is in charge, it’s the polar opposite, robbing you of the courage, energy, and con- fidence to make the shifts toward the best you. This mind-set ends today. I’ve given you tools to know where the villain came from and how to eliminate it. Here, though, we’re going to put a dagger in the heart of that villain once and for all and let the inner hero be in control. This process isn’t about turning you into something you’re not—changing an introvert into an extrovert, for instance. It’s about accomplishing something deeper, better, and more custom tailored to you, and only you, that can last a lifetime. Once the villain doesn’t run your life, but your confident in- ner hero does, the possibilities are limitless and you will know what it is like to tap into the best you. Remember, I’m not offering you a magic pill for success; you’re not going to read these words and instantaneously achieve wealth and abun- dance. Instead, as I’ve been emphasizing throughout this


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