DAN SULLIVAN’S 4 C’S FORMULA® Let’s take a look back to a time in your life when you lacked confidence and it cost you dearly. Have you ever want- ed to ask a girl out on a date or talk to a guy you saw at a coffee shop and you let that person walk away without saying a word? Have you ever had an opportunity to tackle a tough project at work or the desire to start your own business but just couldn’t move past the thought to the action? Or make it even simpler: Have you refused to walk into the gym be- cause you thought you were too out of shape to be there? I’ve seen a lack of confidence destroy many people, and it usually happens when their confidence is just that 5 percent off that I noted previously. So when has a lack of confidence hurt you in the past? And how do you think your life could be different today had you been able to summon 100 percent confidence on the spot and do what you wanted to do? A great man and dear friend by the name of Richard Ros- si runs a remarkable company in Washington, D.C., creat- ing empowering live events tailored to high-achieving high school students; they receive life-changing knowledge by attending. When I was talking to Richard about his events, I said, “You’ve been blessed to see so many successful high school kids come through your program. If you could identify one common trait they all have, what would it be?” He said, “I don’t even have to think about it. It’s one word: confidence.” He added, “It’s not the smartest kids or the ones with the straight A’s that become the superstars; it’s the ones that have an incredible amount of confidence that go on to do amazing things in their lives.” Richard’s words don’t come from theory but real-life data, derived from experience and results. He’s seen thousands of the most successful young adults in the country pass through his doors, and the word he used for success was simply “confidence.” But here is the million-dollar question: How do we make sure that confidence is always there for us when we need it?
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