Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

Awaken the Inner Hero

Think back to a time when your confidence surged because of something amazing that happened. Maybe you did some- thing in your job, or at home, or in the gym that had you look in the mirror and subconsciously pound your chest and say, “Yeah, I did that!” In that moment you got a glimpse of what the power of an instant surge of confidence can do to your state of mind. As you know by now, I didn’t have much confidence as a child—I was the smallest kid in my class, I couldn’t read very well, I couldn’t sit still, and I got made fun of a lot. So as I got older, I had to learn to manufacture my own confidence. Through trial and error, as well with the assistance of some amazing people, I’ve learned how to build this bulletproof confidence from the ground up. You can do the same. But first you have to understand the myth of confidence. Could some people have been born with it? Maybe in rare cases, but it’s unlikely. In most cases, confidence is something that has to be learned. You’re probably fooling yourself if you think of yourself as the “confident type” or the “not-confi- dent type”—both are part of the myth. No matter what level of confidence you have, let me assure you there is more wait- ing to be accessed. Let’s start building your confidence to the next level by using a great lesson that I was taught by a men- tor of mine, Dan Sullivan, president and founder of Strategic Coach ® . It’s called The 4 C’s Formula ® , and he goes into depth on this concept in his book by the same name. This is a four-step process that helps you discover what real confidence looks like and the ingredients needed to get there. The first step, or I guess I should say the first C , is com- mitment . You’ve already shown commitment by reading this book and engaging in the exercises I’ve recommended. You’re committed to a personal transformation, since any significant change requires a commitment. If you want to lose weight, you have to commit to that; otherwise you’ll fail. If you want to start a new job, you have to commit to that; otherwise you’ll fail.


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