Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


Or look at this first C , commitment, from the opposite perspective: Have you ever been successful in something to which you were not committed? Whether it was a relation- ship, a new business, or even a new diet? Heck no! If you want more wealth and that next level of life, then you’re going to have to commit to it. That doesn’t mean you have to devote every waking second to achievement of a single goal, but don’t dabble; a shaky commitment means shaky confidence. A key element here is that commitment comes first. You must commit to a goal before you will ever be able to muster up the courage to pull it off. That’s where the second C , courage , comes in. Courage is walking through a door and not knowing what is on the other side. Courage makes you get off the bench, raise your hand, and get in the game rather than judging or envying others from the sidelines. Maybe you don’t realize it yet, but you have already built the courage muscles in your life. Do you have children? You have to be extremely courageous to bring children into the world and take care of them. You didn’t know (and perhaps still don’t know) what the end result would be, but you jumped in and are learning as you go. Courage is something we all have inside us, even if it is hidden. So if you want the courage to do something, recall your seven levels deep and find your “why.” This is where that core habit comes into play once again. Taking action is possible when true purpose is recognized. Think of all we have learned to this point: When you have vision and clarity, and don’t let old stories hold you back, the ability to be courageous grows exponentially. So focus on where you want to go and your new story, pull your shoulders back, stick out your chest, and say, “This is my time!” Be courageous and go for it. The third C is capability . What are you acquiring by read- ing these pages and developing success habits? Capabilities. Remember when we talked about where you are, being honest with yourself, figuring out where you want to go, and how you are going to get there? In most cases, you need to acquire


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