Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


of unique abilities and I’ve accomplished some ambitious goals.” After completing the exercise with Sean, I remember my confidence grew immediately just by acknowledging my successes rather than my failures. Just as I shared all the little pieces that created the villain within, now I am sharing the pieces that will replace that vil- lain’s voice and put the inner hero in control. When Sean first said do a “What’s cool about me” exercise, I was like, “Waste of time.” Doing it felt odd. I was wrong, though, and if you experienced the same negative thoughts for even a second, you were wrong too. Take the time and reflect: You are not only cool, you have already achieved so much more than you give yourself credit for. A TALE OF TWO PICTURES This next exercise may seem like a little work, but with effort comes results. And it’s an exercise that will help you trigger an instant confidence boost any time you need it. (You can download the “Two Pics” blueprint at www.thebetterlife. com under the “Book Resources” tab.) Start by finding an unflattering picture of yourself—it can be a digital image on your smartphone or an old photo that you’ve stored in a shoebox. It could be from a time in your life when you were overweight, just pulled an all-nighter, were broke, lost a job, or you just looked like crap on the day the photo was taken. This picture is going to represent the ver- sion of you that is letting the villain control your life. If it’s a digital image, print it and also save it to your computer. Then I want you to create a list of the negative traits you associate with this version of yourself. For instance: I was fat; I was messing up at work; I’d just had my heart broken; I was really mad at my sister; I was focusing on all the things wrong in my life; I blamed others for my problems; and so on. You see, these are the traits that have fueled your inner villain, allowed it to be in control, and absolutely demolished


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