Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!


John 4.0 or Mary 5.0. Next, create another avatar, only this time the hero version. What are your new limitless beliefs and newly adapted millionaire habits? What does this version of you stand for? What do you accept in your life now? What will you absolutely not accept? Who wants to be around this heroic avatar? This version of you is officially the new ver- sion of you. Just explain you, living at your full potential, no boundaries, no judgment, totally in control. Who is the real you when the hero is in charge? Realize this truth: The two versions of you aren’t separate people. Each of us has the good wolf and the bad wolf living inside; the old you and the new you; the villain in control vs. the hero in charge. I bring up the wolf analogy for a reason; this is your chance to decide which one you feed, since that’s the one who will take ownership of your life! Next, put your two pictures side by side, along with the text descriptions of both underneath them. Use your phone to photograph these images so you have access to them any- time you want or need to see them. Memorize these two ava- tars, both visually and what they stand for. Don’t just rely on the digital image. Place the two photos (or print out the one on your phone) on your refrigerator, in your drawer at work, or on your computer as your screen saver! Keep these images handy, because you’re going to use them as your trigger when- ever you need to require strength and whenever you need to summon your confidence. In order for this to work, feel your avatar. You must be- come the new, heroic version of yourself. Whenever some- thing is going wrong, and you find yourself getting into a negative state, and you’re allowing that villain to creep in, look at these two pictures and say, “Do I want to be that old version of myself that lets life control me or do I want to be the new hero version of me?” Can you start to feel who the inner hero is? The inner hero is the you that God meant you to be. You’re crossing lim- itless boundaries and utilizing all the gifts you have to reach


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