Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

Awaken the Inner Hero

another level. The inner hero is simply you at full potential with nothing being suppressed anymore.

POWER PHRASE Here’s another habit to change your state of mind and build your confidence instantly. Tony Robbins taught this exercise to me along with many other great lessons over 15 years ago, and it transformed my life. I have adopted my own version of this specific practice since then, but it was a lifesav- er when I learned it. Over a decade ago, I had everything go sideways at once, or so it seemed. I had an accountant steal a lot of money from me that literally compromised my ability to stay in business. My grandmother who raised me for much of my childhood and was my favorite person in the world was in a hospice, dying. My biggest stream of income at the time stopped overnight—and this is just the short list! I was telling myself horrible things and digging up old, limiting beliefs. I started thinking, “Maybe I’m not smart enough to run a busi- ness at this level. Maybe I got lucky and my time is up?” I was telling myself all these negative things, and it was destroying my confidence and feeding my inner villain. But I changed my state of mind—and I changed it com- pletely—and the one thing that sparked that change was Tony’s incantation and what I termed my personal power phrase. I started saying to myself, “If I can get through this, I can get through anything. If I can get through this, I can get through anything. If I can get through this, I can get through anything!” I said it repeatedly. I said it out loud as I would walk around the house or around the office. I said it walking to the gym in the morning and when I was on the treadmill. I said it louder and louder and with more conviction until my soul felt it. This simple little phrase empowered my life like I could have never imagined. It energized my cells, it got me into a state of mind where I felt I could handle anything. I stopped thinking


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