Millionaire Success Habits UPDATED!

One Shining Goal

First, answer these questions: What do you love to do? What fires you up? What makes your heart come alive, puts a smile on your face, and raises your confidence? Do you love negotiating deals? Do you love helping people? Do you love solving complicated problems? Do you love math, science, art, or literature? Do you love taking risks? Do you love be- ing adventurous? Do you love solving conflict? Do you love selling? Do you love marketing and advertising? Do you love inventing? Take a moment and think about what it is you love to do. So many times in life we forget what we love because we get stuck in the mundane day-to-day, and we forget our passions. Make a list of five or six things that light you up. Next, think about what you’re really good at. If you weren’t in the room, and your best friends, coworkers, or employees were talking about you, what would they say you are good at? Would they say that you can walk into a room when there’s a problem and solve it? Would they say you’re metic- ulous, someone who measures twice and cuts once? Would they say that you have the ability to try something new, and that while you’re a risk-taker, you’re an educated risk-taker? Maybe you’re good at solving problems, creating ideas, devel- oping ideas, or putting processes in place. I don’t know what you’re good at, but you do. Write down what comes to mind. Next, we need to talk about money, and big money at that. What thing in your life, if you just took action on it, would bring you the most money? Is it advancing the career that you are in, starting your own business, or taking the business you are in to the next level? It could be getting a promotion at your current job. Maybe it’s getting a loan or hiring a marketing expert to help create more sales in your business. Whatever it is, what one thing will cut you the most money in your life? Think it through and write down what it is. Next, list your money goals. Earlier, you formalized your goals with the exercise that asked, “Where are you? Where


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