and prosperity, we must find out how you can make the time to take action toward that goal as well as what specific areas of your life best serve that goal. And the way to do this is by identifying your Unique Ability ® and delegating everything else. Unique Ability and much of what I share here is once again a wonderful brainchild of Dan Sullivan. Your Unique Ability is the thing or things in this world that you are naturally amazing at, things that put you in a flow, make you the most money, and cause you to feel the best doing them. As you move away from that, you start getting away from those things that can grow your life and income the fastest and end up focusing on things that keep you do- ing busywork; it’s like running on a treadmill and getting nowhere. Your Unique Ability is your financial sweet spot—it con- fers the capacity to make the most money you possibly can. When you’re in your Unique Ability, you may be able to make $500 an hour, $1,000 an hour, or even $2,000 an hour. What- ever that number is, when you’re doing the thing that you love, the thing you were put on this earth to do, that will make you the most money. I look at my time from a “return on investment” perspec- tive, which is an incredible success habit to have. For exam- ple, I pay for different people to do different things for me that are not in my own area of Unique Ability. There’s no reason I should mow my lawn when, not only can I pay some- one else to do it and free my time up to work in my Unique Ability, but also I can help the economy, giving other people the chance to make money. Here’s a quick story that will drive home this point. When I was younger and was investing in real estate for the first time, I decided to put energy, effort, and the little money I had into an old run-down mansion and convert it into nine small apartments. After this project was complete, it was time for upkeep and maintenance. It had a massive front lawn and
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